Teetotalisme is the practice or promotion of a complete private taboo of alcoholic beverages. A person who practices (and may advocate) teetotalism is called teetotaler plural teetotalers or simply said
Video Teetotalism
There is some dispute about the origin of the word "teetotaler". One of the anecdotes attributes the origin of the word to the Preston Temperance Society meeting in 1833. The story attribute of the word to Richard Turner, a member of society, who in a speech said, "I will reet out-and-out tt-totals for good". Walter William Skeat notes that Turner's anecdotes have been recorded by temperamental supporter Joseph Livesey, and suggested that the term might be inspired by teetotum; However, James B. Greenough states that "no one ever thinks
The variations on the above account are found on the The Charleston Observer pages:
Teetotalers .-- The origin of this convenient word, (just as easy, though not so common in its application as loafer ,) is, we imagine, known but few who use it. It originated, as we learned from the Landmark, with a man named Turner, a member of the Preston Temperance Society, who, having a speech impediment, addressed a meeting written, that partial prohibition of intoxicating liquor would not occur; they must insist on tee-tee- (stutter) tee total abstinence. Therefore the total abstain has been called teetotalers.
An alternative explanation is that teetotal is just a reduplication of the first "T" in total (T-total). It is said that since 1827 in some Temperance Society signed the "T" after a person's name signifies a person's promise to total abstinence. In Britain in the 1830s, when the word first entered the lexicon, it was also used in other contexts as a total emphasis ; a comparable American English location would be "total with a capital T" (an example of "[words] in capital letters [snowclone]".
According to the historian Daniel Walker Howe (Wisdom: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848 , 2007) this term is derived from the practice of American preacher and Lyman Beecher's simplicity supporters. He will take names at his meetings about people who promise the simplicity of alcohol and record those who promise not to drink with T. Such people are known as Teetotallers.
Maps Teetotalism
Reasons and reasons
Some of the common reasons for choosing teetotalism are psychological, religious, health, medical, family, philosophical, social, alcoholism of the past, or sometimes just a matter of taste or preference. When in beverage companies, teetotalers (or teetotallers) either from drinking fully, or consuming non-alcoholic drinks such as water, juice, tea, coffee, non-alcoholic soft drinks, virgin drinks, mocktails, and alcohol-free beer.
Most teetotaler organizations also demand from their members that they do not promote or produce alcoholic alcohol.
Organized religion
Abstention from alcohol is the principle of a number of religions, including Sikhs, BahÃÆ'¡'ÃÆ's, Hare Krishnas, Jains, and Meivazhi-ites.
"Khamr" is the term for all liquor prohibited in Islam. (See Religion and Alcohol Ã,§ Islam)
Similarly, one of the five precepts of Buddhism is to stay away from the intoxicating substance that disrupts peace and self-control over the mind, but it is formulated as a training rule to be assumed voluntarily and not as a command.
A number of Christian denominations also prohibit the consumption of alcohol, including Amish, Seventh-day Adventists, Mennonites (both Old and Conservative Orders), members of the Church of the Brethren, and Christian Scientists. Many Christian groups, such as Methodists, Mormons, and Quakers, are often associated with teetotalism because of their strong traditional support for the movement of simplicity and prohibition. However, the principle of prohibiting the consumption of alcohol differently practiced. For example, the Nazarene Church, the Methodist branch does not teach abstinence from alcohol. In many Christian denominations, abstinence is not a religious requirement, but the tradition is strong enough to make ritual and recreational alcohol consumption a controversial issue among members. Members of the Salvation Army made an appointment to join the movement to observe lifelong abstinence from alcohol. The Catholic Church, Orthodox, and Anglican churches all need wine in their great religious rituals of the Eucharist, and while many Protestant churches often allow grape or wine-free wine in their communion services, only a few Protestants need non-alcoholic drinks as a policy official. (See Christianity and alcohol.)
Many members of this religious group were also asked not to sell the products. New Testament Translation, Purified Bible Translation, translated in a way that encourages teetotalism.
Research on non-drinkers
Dominic Conroy and Richard de Visser publish studies in Psychology and Health that examine strategies used by students who want to counter peer pressure to drink alcohol in the social environment. This study suggests that students are less likely to succumb to peer pressure if they have strong friendships and make the decision not to drink before social interaction.
Caroline H. McClave published a comparison of three studies entitled Asexuality as a Spectrum: A Sample Comparison of National Probability for the British Sexual Communities that found that asexual and asexual grays drank less and were more likely to not drink than people who are not of sexual orientation.
A study 2015 by the Office for National Statistics shows that younger British people are more likely to be people who do not drink alcohol than their parents.
In one study, increased teetotalism in the family was associated with lower levels of alcoholism and vice versa. This shows there is an inverse relationship between teetotalism and alcoholism.
See also
Source of the article : Wikipedia