The Monopoly board game has its origins in the early 20th century. The earliest version of Monopoly , known as The Landlord's Game , was designed by an American, Elizabeth Magie, and first patented in 1904 but has existed since 1902. Magie, followers of Henry George, originally intended to The Landlord's Game to illustrate the economic consequences of the Ricardo Economic Law lease and Georgist's concept of economic privilege and land value tax. A series of board games developed from 1906 to 1930s involving the purchase and sale of land and land development. In 1933, board games had been created like the Monopoly version sold by Parker Brothers and its associated companies throughout the rest of the 20th century, and into the 21st century. Some people, especially in the United States Midwestern and near the East Coast, contribute to the design and evolution of the game.
In the 1970s, the idea that the game was created entirely by Charles Darrow has become a popular folktale; it was printed in game instruction for many years, in a 1974 book devoted to Monopoly, and cited in a general book on toys even recently 2007. Even the guide for family games published for < i> Reader's Digest in 2003 only gave credit to Darrow and Elizabeth Magie, falsely claiming that the original Magie game was created in the 19th century, and did not recognize any game development between Magie game making, and finally publication by Parker Brothers.
Also in the 1970s, Professor Ralph Anspach, who has published a board game intended to illustrate the principles of both monopoly and scattering trust, fought Parker Brothers and its parent company, General Mills, for copyright and trademarks of Monopoly board game. Through Anspach's research and others, much of the early history of the game was "rediscovered" and entered into the official records of the US courts. Due to lengthy court proceedings, including appeals, the legal status of the Parker Brothers copyrights and trademarks on the game were not resolved until 1985. The game's name remains a registered trademark of Parker Brothers, as well as its specific design elements; other elements of the game are still protected by copyright law. At the end of the court case, the game logos and graphic design elements became part of a larger Monopoly brand, licensed by Parker Brothers parent company to items to this day. Despite the "rediscovery" of the early history of board games in the 1970s and 1980s, and several journal books and articles on this issue, Hasbro (Parker Parker's current parent company) did not recognize any of the game histories before Charles Darrow at his official The Monopoly website recently in June 2012. Norbro also does not recognize anyone other than Darrow in the material published or sponsored by them, at least recently in 2009.
The international tournament, first held in the early 1970s, continues to date, although the last national tournament and world championship was held in 2009. Beginning in 1985, a new generation of board games and spin-off card games appeared on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. In 1989, the first of many video games and computer game editions was published. Since 1994, many official variants of the game, based on locations other than Atlantic City, New Jersey (official US setting) or London (the Commonwealth's official arrangement, except Canada), have been published by Hasbro or its licensors. In 2008, Hasbro permanently changed the color scheme and some games from the standard US Edition edition to match the English Edition, although the US standard edition retains Atlantic City property names. Hasbro also modified the official logo to give the character "Mr. Monopoly" into a computer-generated 3-D display, which has since been adopted by USAopoly, Winning Moves and Winning Solutions licensees. And Hasbro has also included Speed ​​Die, introduced in 2006's Monopoly: The Mega Edition by Winning Moves Games, in a version produced directly by Hasbro (like the 2009 Championship Edition ).
Video History of the board game Monopoly
Game development 1903-1934
In 1903, Georgist Lizzie Magie applied for a patent in the game titled The Landlord's Game with the object indicating that the lease enriched the property owner and the poor tenant. He knows that some people will find it difficult to understand the logic behind the idea, and he thinks that if the problem of rent and Georgis's solution to it is incorporated into the concrete form of the game, it may be easier to demonstrate. He was granted a patent for the game in January 1904. The Landlord Game became one of the first board games to use "sustainable paths", with no clear start and end spaces on the board. Another innovation in gameplay associated with Magie is the concept of "possession" of a place on the board, so something will happen to a second player (or later) to land in the same room, without the first remaining pieces of players.. A copy of the Magie game he left behind in the Georgis Arden community of Delaware and dating from 1903-1904, presented for the PBS series of History Detectives . This copy shows a group of properties, which are arranged by mail, which then becomes the main feature of Monopoly published by Parker Brothers.
Although The Landlord's Game was patented, and some artificial boards were made, it was not actually manufactured and published until 1906. Magie and two other Georgians set up the New York Economic Game Company, which started publishing the game. Magie submitted an edition published by Game Economics Company to Parker Brothers around 1910, which George Parker rejected for publication. In the UK, it was published in 1913 by the Newbie Game Company under the title Brer Fox an 'Brer Rabbit . Shortly after the official game publication, Scott Nearing, a professor in what became known as the Wharton School of Finance and Commerce at the University of Pennsylvania, began using the game as a teaching tool in his class. His students make their own boards, and teach the game to others. After approaching dismissed from Wharton School, he began teaching at the University of Toledo. A former student of Nearing, Rexford Guy Tugwell, also taught The Landlord's Game at Wharton, and took him with him to Columbia University. Regardless of the commercial distribution, it spread from word of mouth and was played in a slightly different homemade version over the years by Quaker, Georgis, students (including students at Smith College, Princeton, and MIT), and others who were aware of it.
A brief version of the Magie game, which eliminated the second round of games using the Georgist concept from a single land value tax, had become common during the 1910s, and this variation on the game became known as the Monopoly Auction . The auction part of the game comes through the rules that are auctioned every property unowned to all game players when it first landed. This rule was later canceled by Quaker, and in the current Monopoly game, the auction only occurs when the property that is not owned is not purchased directly by the player who first landed on it. In the same decade, the game became popular around the community of Reading, Pennsylvania. Another former Scott Nearing student, Thomas Wilson, taught the game to his cousin, Charles Muhlenberg, around 1915-1916. The original patent on The Landlord's Game ended in 1921. At this time, handmade games are known simply as Monopoly . Charles Muhlenberg and his wife, Wilma, taught this game to the brothers Wilma, Louis and Ferdinand "Fred" Thun, in the early 1920s.
Along with these events, Magie moved back to Illinois, and married Andrew Phillips. He moved to Washington, D.C. with her husband in 1923, and re-patented the revised version of The Landlord's Game in 1924 (under the name of her marriage, Elizabeth Magie Phillips). This version, unlike his first patent image, includes named streets (though a version published in 1910 based on his first patent has also been named the streets). Magie is trying to regain control of most handmade games. For the 1924 edition, some roads on board were named after Chicago's streets and locations, notably "The Loop" and "Lake Shore Drive." This revision also includes special "monopoly" rules and cards that allow higher rents to be charged when all three railways and utilities are owned, and include "chips" to show improvements to the property. Magie again approached Parker Brothers about his game, and George Parker again refused, calling the game "too political". Parker, however, is credited with urging Magie to take his 1924 patent.
After Thun studied the game, they began to teach the rules to their brotherly brothers at Williams College around 1926. Daniel W. Layman, in turn, learned the game from Thun's brother (who later tried to sell copies of the game commercially, but advised by lawyers that the game can not be patented, because they are not the inventors). The layman then returned to his hometown of Indianapolis, Indiana, and started playing games with his friends there, eventually producing a handmade version of the board based on the city's streets. Layman then produced and sold a commercial game, starting in 1932, with a friend in Indianapolis, who owns a company called Electronic Laboratories. The game is sold under the name The Fascinating Game of Finance (later shortened to Finance ). The layman immediately sold his rights to the game, which was then licensed, manufactured and marketed by Knapp Electric. The published boards feature four rail tracks (one by side), cards and Chance Space and Chest Space, and properties grouped by symbol instead of color. Also in 1932, one edition of The Landlord's Game was published by Adgame Company with a new set of rules called Prosperity , also by Magie.
It was in Indianapolis that Ruth Hoskins studied the game, and took it back to Atlantic City. After he arrived, Hoskins made a new board with the name of the street and railroad in Atlantic City, and taught it to a local Quaker group. It has been argued that their biggest contribution to the game is to restore Lizzie Magie's original rule of "buying property at a registered price" rather than auctioning them, as Quaker does not believe in the auction. Another source states that Quakers "do not like the noise of the auction." Among the groups taught by Hoskins game is Eugene Raiford and his wife, who took a copy of the game by the Atlantic City street name to Philadelphia. Due to Raifords unfamiliarity with the streets and properties in Philadelphia, the Atlantic City-themed version is taught to Charles Todd, who in turn teaches Esther Darrow, Charles Darrow's wife. After learning the game, Darrow then started distributing the game itself as a Monopoly and never talked to Todds again. Darrow originally made the game set of Monopoly hand with the help of his first son, William Darrow, and his wife. Their new device maintains Charles Todd's writing errors about "Marvin Gardens" and the renewal of Shore Fast Line the Short Line. Charles Darrow drew the designs with a design pen on pieces of oil cloth, and then his son and his wife helped fill the spaces with colors and made the title deed cards and Chance and Community Chest cards. After the demand for games increased, Darrow contacted the printing company, Patterson and White, who printed the design of the property space on a square cardboard board. The design of the Darrow game board included elements later made famous in the eventual version produced by Parker Brothers, including black locomotives in the train room, cars in "Free Parking", red arrows for "Go", faucet on "Water Works", light bulbs on "Electrical Company", and question marks in the "Opportunities" space, although many of the actual icons are made by hired graphic artists. While Darrow received copyright on his game in 1933, his specimen has been lost from United States Copyright Office files, even though the proof of registration still exists.
Maps History of the board game Monopoly
Acquisition by Parker Brothers
Darrow first took the game for Milton Bradley and tried to sell it as his personal discovery. They rejected it in a letter dated May 31, 1934. After Darrow sent the game to Parker Brothers in 1934, they refused the game because it was "too complicated, too technical, and took a long time to play." Darrow received a letter of rejection from the company dated October 19, 1934. During this time, the "52 design error" of the story was created as the reason why Parker rejected Monopoly, but this has recently been proven to be part of Parker-invented "creation myth".
However, in early 1935, the company heard about excellent game sales during the 1934 Christmas season in Philadelphia and at F.A.O. Schwarz in New York City. Robert Barton, President of Parker Brothers, contacted Darrow and scheduled a new meeting in New York City. On March 18, Parker Brothers purchased the Darrow game, helped him pick up the patent, and bought the remaining supplies. In April 1935, the company had learned that Darrow was not the sole inventor of the game, but sought a statement by Darrow to repeat his statements on the contrary, and thereby increase their claim to the game. Parker Brothers then decided to purchase Magie's 1924 patent and copyright from another commercial variant of this game to claim that it has unnecessary rights for the game.
Robert Barton, president of Parker Brothers, purchased the rights to Finance from Knapp Electric in 1935. Finance will be rebuilt, updated and continued to be sold by Parker Brothers into the 1970s. Other board games based on the same principle, such as a game called Inflation , designed by Rudy Copeland and published by Thomas Sales Co., in Fort Worth, Texas, were also the concern of Parker Brothers management in the 1930s , after they started selling Monopoly . Copeland resumed the final game sale after Parker Brothers tried a patent lawsuit against him. Parker Brothers holds Magie and Darrow patents, but settles with Copeland rather than going to court, because Copeland is ready to have witnesses testify that they have played the Monopoly before Darrow's "discovery" of the game. The court settlement allows Copeland to license the Parker Brothers patent. Another agreement was reached on Large Business by Transogram, and Easy Money by Milton Bradley, based on Finance Daniel Awman. Another clone, called Fortune , was sold by Parker Brothers, and merged with Finance in several editions.
Monopoly was first marketed on a wide scale by Parker Brothers in 1935. Standard Edition, with a small black box and separate boards, and a larger Deluxe Edition, with a box large enough to hold the board, sold at the first year of ownership of Parker Brothers. It is based on two editions sold by Darrow. The Parker Brothers set was the first to incorporate a die-cast metal token to play pieces, originally using battleships, cannons, iron clothing, shoes, hats, and thimbles. George Parker himself rewrote many of the rules of the game, insisting that the rules of "short game" and "deadline" were included. On the original Parker Brothers board (reprinted in 2002 by Winning Moves Games), there is no icon for the Community Chest space (a blue chest filled with gold coins came later) and no gold rings in the Luxury Tax Room. Also no property values ​​are printed on space on the board. Income tax is slightly higher (to $ 300 or 10%, instead of $ 200 or 10%). Some of the designs known today are executed on the orders of George Parker. Chance and Community Chest cards are illustrated (though some previous editions consisted of text only), but without "Uncle Pennybags Kaya", introduced in 1936.
Late in 1935, after studying Landlords Game and Finance, Robert Barton held a second meeting with Charles Darrow in Boston. Darrow admitted that he had copied the game from a set of friends, and he and Barton reached a revised royalty agreement, granting Parker worldwide rights and freed Darrow from legal fees to be incurred in order to retain the origin of the game.
Licenses outside the United States
In December 1935, Parker Brothers sent a copy of the game to Victor Watson, Sr. of Waddington Games. Watson and his son Norman tried this game over the weekend, and loved it so much that Waddington took the (extraordinary) step of making a transatlantic "call" stem to Parker Brothers, the first call made or received by any company. It's impressive enough Parker Brothers that Waddington awarded license rights to Europe and the Commonwealth at the time-Britain, except Canada. The Waddingtons version, their first board game, with locations from London replacing the original Atlantic City, was first produced in 1936.
The game was very successful in England and France, but the German edition of 1936, published by Schmidt Spiele disappeared from the market within three years. This edition, which features locations from Berlin, was criticized, allegedly by Joseph Goebbels to the Hitler Youth for "speculative Jewish character." It also alleges that the real reason behind the Nazi denial is that higher ranking members (ie Goebbels, again) who live in sections of the board are rated the highest property, and do not want to be associated with the game. The last game appeared in the Pre-World War II catalog of Schmidt Spiele in 1938. The new German edition, under the name of the "generic" road and the name of the railway station (ie, not selected from a German city) would not appear until 1953. 1936 The German edition, with original card and Berlin location, was reprinted in 1982 by Parker Brothers and again in 2003 (in a wooden box), and 2011 (in red metal cans) by Hasbro.
Waddington licensed another edition from 1936 to 1938, and the game was exported from the UK and resold or reprinted in Switzerland, Belgium, Australia, Chile, the Netherlands and Sweden. In Italy, under the fascist, the game changed dramatically so it will have Italian names, locations in Milan, and major changes in rules. This is for compliance under Italian law in that period. Italian publisher Editrice Giochi produced games in Italy until 2009, having entered into a unique license agreement from Parker Brothers and their own copyrights since 1935/1936. In 2009, Hasbro has taken over game publishing in Italy, but also, for the time being, saves the property based in Milan.
In Austria, the game version first appeared as a Business and Speculation ( Speculation ), and eventually evolved into Das KaufmÃÆ'¤nnische Talent (DKT) ( Employer Talent ). The DKT version has been sold in Austria since 1940. The game first appeared as a Monopoly in Austria in about 1981. The Waddingtons edition was imported into the Netherlands starting in 1937, and the fully translated edition first appeared in 1941.
Waddingtons then produced a special game during World War II that secretly contained files, compasses, silk-printed maps, and hidden real money among Monopoly money to allow prisoners of war to flee camps. camp Germany. However, this story has been under surveillance recently and is being debated.
Collector Albert C. Veldhuis displays a map on his "Monopoly Lexicon" website which shows which versions of the game are remade and distributed in other countries, with the most influential version of Atlantic City, London and Paris. After World War II, homemade games occasionally appeared behind the Iron Curtain, despite the fact that the game was effectively banned. Monopoly is called the most played and most duplicated board game through handmade copies in the former German Democratic Republic. One official version of this game was printed for the Soviet Union by Parker Brothers in 1988. After the Cold War ended, the official edition had been published throughout Eastern Europe by Parker, Tonka and Hasbro. Hungary was the first, in 1992, followed by the Czech Republic and Poland in 1993, Croatia in 1994, Slovenia in 1996, Romania and a new edition for Russia in 1997, and Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia, all on year 2001.
Marketing in the United States in the 1930s
In 1936, Parker Brothers published four further editions along with two original editions: Popular Edition, Smooth Edition, Gold Edition and Deluxe Edition, with prices ranging from US $ 2 to US $ 25 in 1930s money. After Parker Brothers began releasing the first edition of the game, Elizabeth Magie Phillips was profiled in Washington D.C. Evening Star , which discusses two editions of The Landlord's Game . In December 1936, alerted to the Mah-Jongg and Ping-Pong modes that left unsold inventory embedded in the Parker Brothers warehouse, George Parker ordered to stop production of Monopoly when the sale went flat. However, during the Christmas season, sales increase again, and resume the resurrection. In early 1937, when Parker Brothers prepared to release the Bulls and Bears board game with Darrow's photo on the box lid (though he was not involved with the game), a Time magazine article about the game making it seem as though Darrow himself was the sole inventor of both Bulls and Bears and Monopoly:
Marketing Parker Brothers 1940s 1960
At the beginning of World War II, both Parker Brothers and Waddington hoard material that they can use for further game production. During the war, Monopoly was produced with wooden tokens in the US, and cellphone cover games were eliminated. In the UK, metal tokens are also removed, and special spinners are introduced to replace the dice. The game remains in print for a while even in the Netherlands, because the printer there is able to maintain paper supplies. Elizabeth Magie's second patent on the Landlord Game ended in September 1941, and it was believed that after her expiry, she was no longer promoted as the inventor of Monopoly . The game itself remained popular during the war, especially in the camps, and the soldiers who played the game became part of a product advertisement in 1944.
After the war, sales increased from 800,000 per year to over one million. The French and German editions re-enter production, and new editions for Spain, Greece, Finland and Israel were first produced. In the late 1950s, Parker Brothers only printed game sets with boards, pieces and materials stored in a white box. Several copies of this edition were exhibited at the American National Exhibition in Moscow in 1959. Everything was stolen from the exhibition. In the early 1960s, "Monopoly" events began, most of the marathon game sessions, recognized by the Marathon Records Documentation Committee in New York City. In addition to the marathon sessions, the game is played on large indoor and outdoor boards, inside backyard holes, on the ceiling in the University of Michigan dormitory, and under water. In 1965, a 30th anniversary set was produced in a special plastic case.
End of independence Parker Brothers
Marketing under General Mills 1968-1985
Parker Brothers was acquired by General Mills in February 1968. The first edition of Monopoly in Braille was published in 1973. Also in 1973, as the Atlantic City Public Works Commissioner considered a name change for the Baltic and the Mediterranean Line, game fans the board, with support from president Parker Brothers, successfully lobbied to guard the city's name. After Parker Brothers was taken over by General Mills, the Monopoly license for Waddingtons was renegotiated (such as Clue/Cluedo license for Parker Brothers/General Mills by Waddingtons). In 1974, Parker Brothers sold 80 million sets of games. In 1975, another edition was produced, but this edition appeared in a cardboard box similar to the standard edition. Parker Brothers was under management by General Mills when the first six Monopoly Tournaments were held. See "The Monopoly Tournaments" below.
Kenner Parker Toys and Kenner Parker Tonka 1985-1991
Kenner was combined with Parker Brothers and separated as Kenner Parker Toys in 1985. The First Birthday and Deluxe 50 editions of Monopoly were released in the same year. The spinoff Advance to Boardwalk game was first published in 1985. Kenner Parker was acquired by Tonka in 1987. The 1987/1988 Monopoly tournament was held under the management of Kenner Parker Tonka.
In the United Kingdom, publisher Monopoly Waddingtons published the first non-London edition in 1989, creating a Limited Edition based on Leeds as a charity fundraiser.
Monopoly (gameplay)
In 1990, Merv Griffin Enterprises transformed Monopoly into a prime time game show, aired after Super Jeopardy! on Saturday night at ABC. The program is guided by Mike Reilly and announced by Charlie O'Donnell.
Junior Monopoly was first published in 1990. Kenner Parker Tonka was acquired by Hasbro in 1991. The all-European edition was published by Parker Brothers in 1991 for countries of the later European Community, using the Ecu (Unit European Currency). After the acquisition by Hasbro, the US Monopoly publication ceased at the Parker Brothers plant in Salem, Massachusetts in November 1991.
In 1994, the license for the company to be USAopoly was issued, and they produced the San Diego, California edition as their first board. In 1995, licenses for new game variations and reprints Monopoly were awarded for Win Moving Games. See the Localization, license, and spin-off sections below for details on further releases by both companies.
In 1995, the 60th Anniversary edition was released in a gold box. In late 1998, Hasbro announced a campaign to add all-new token to the standard set of the US edition of Monopoly . Voters are allowed to choose from biplanes, piggy banks, and a sack of money - with votes counted through special websites, via toll-free numbers, and at FAO Schwarz's shop.
In March 1999, Hasbro announced that the winner was a money sack (with 51 percent of the votes, compared with 29 percent for biplanes and 20 percent for piggy bank). Thus, the money sack became the first new token to be added to the game since the early 1950s. In 1999, Hasbro changed the name of Uncle Pennybags Kaya's "Mr. Monopoly" mascot, and released Star Wars: Episode I, Pokémon mon and Millennium Millennium of Monopoly. The second European edition was released in 1999, this time using the Euro as a currency, but incorrectly incorporating Geneva as the capital of Switzerland.
The 65th Anniversary Edition was released in a white box variation in 2000. In 2001, the European Edition was reissued, correcting printing errors in 1999, and incorporated Bern correctly as the capital of Switzerland. In 2005, the 70th Anniversary Edition was released in silver-metal cans with plastic sheets. Also starting in 2005, various editions of "Here & Now" are released in many countries. The first release of this edition is for the UK market, and its success leads to the selection of properties for the US edition via online voting. The most popular properties were released on the "Here & amp; Now" bulletin board in the US in 2006. This, in turn, led to "Here & amp; Now" editions worldwide (released in 2008), along with the national edition (including the second English "Here and Now" edition) with the property selected by online voice. The main principle of the "Here & Now" edition is "What if Monopoly has been discovered today?"
The first changes to the game gameplay Monopoly itself occurred with the publication Monopoly Here & amp; Now Electronic Banking Edition by Hasbro UK and Monopoly: The Mega Edition by Winning Moves Games in 2006. The Electronic Banking Edition uses a VISA branded debit card and debit card reader for monetary transactions instead of paper bills. This edition is available in the UK, Germany, France, Australia and Ireland. A version was released in the US in 2007, albeit without co-branding by Visa. An electronic counter was featured in a Stock Exchange edition released in Europe in the early 2000s (decades), and was also a feature of the Monopoly City board game released in 2009.
The Mega Edition has been expanded to include fifty-two spaces (with more street names taken from Atlantic City), skyscrapers (to be played after the hotel), train depots, 1,000 denominations of play money, as well as "bus tickets" and a dead speed. Shortly after the release of Mega Monopoly in 2006, Hasbro adopted the same blue version of Death Speed ​​to be a special "Speed ​​Die Edition" of the game. In 2008, die, now red, became a permanent addition to the game, although its use remains optional there. In 2009's "Championship Edition", the use of dead speed is mandatory, as it also becomes mandatory in most of the 2009 Monopoly tournaments.
In addition to adding permanently to death speeds in 2008, Hasbro also instituted further changes to the standard editions of the United States board, including creating a Mediterranean and Baltic Avenues group of brown colors, making the flat income tax space $ 200 (removing 10% option), changing the color on GO space from red to black, increase Luxury Tax to $ 100 (from $ 75), and change a particular Chest Community card and Opportunity. Changes in these four areas make the US standard edition more uniform with modern British and European editions. In 2009, Winning Moves Games introduced "The Classic Edition", with pre-2008 board and card games, re-inclusion of "money sack" game pieces, and plain MONOPOLY logo in the center of the board, without the 1985 or 2008 "Mr. Monopoly" present. Also in 2009, the "theme monopoly"/theme package enters the retail market, including Dogs and Sports Fans edition, which includes adjusted money, replacements for homes and hotels, and special tokens, but no boards.
In early 2010, Hasbro started selling Free Parking and Out of Jail an add-on game, which can be played alone or when a player lands in each Monopoly board space. If played during the game Monopoly , success in one of the games will bring the winning player "take a free taxi to the boardroom" or "free from prison", respectively. A customizable new edition called "U-Build" was also released. Then in 2010, for the 75th anniversary of the game publication, Hasbro released the Monopoly Revolution, giving the game a redesign of the graphics, as well as returning it to a round shape, which has not been seen since some of the 1930's Darrow Set in the 1930s. The game includes "bank cards" and tracks player assets electronically, as introduced in "Electronic Banking Edition" early in the decade. The game also features transparent plastic pieces for propulsion, and electronic sound effects, triggered by certain events (for example, sound effects "jail door slam" when a player goes to jail). Life Monopoly was announced at the New York Toy Fair in February 2011. The version of the Monopoly Millionaire of the game was released in 2012.
In early 2013, a board game version of the online game Monopoly Hotels is released. From 8 January until February 5, 2013, through the pages of Monopoly in Facebook in a campaign called "Save Your Token," Hasbro took the voice of the public to make more permanent changes in a series of game tokens. Token with the fewest number of "Save Token" will be retired and replaced with one of the five other token, depending on which new candidate who received the most votes. Potential tokens are robots, helicopters, cats, guitars or diamond rings. Both biplanes and piggy banks of the 1998 vote are being considered at this time. On February 6, it was announced that the iron would be retired for having received the fewest votes, and the cat would replace him, after receiving the most votes. Starting February 2013, Target's US discount network starts selling "Token Emas" with eight classic tokens and five candidates. A special edition with thirteen gold tokens has also been released in the UK and France. The first Monopoly game token that has a new lineup released in June 2013. In 2015, this game celebrates 80th birthday with eight tokens from each decade in a special edition.
Monopoly tournament from 1973 to 2015
The first tournament Monopoly was proposed by Victor Watson of Waddington after the 1972 World Chess Championship. Such championships were also held for players of the Scrabble board game. The first European Championship was held in ReykjavÃÆ'k, Iceland, the same site as the 1972 World Chess Championships. Different accounts for the eventual winners: Philip Orbanes and Victor Watson the name John Mair, representing Ireland and the World Finally Monopoly Champion 1975, has also won the European Championship. Gyles Brandreth, who later became the European Champion of Monopoly, named Pierre Milet, represents France, as the European Champion. One reason there may be different accounts of the eventual winner is due to a small controversy with the last game. According to Parker Brothers' Randolph "Ranny" P. Barton, an error was made by one of the participants and the protest was raised by the opponent. The jurors (Barton, Watson, and representatives of Miro, French Monopoly publishers) consider the option of starting the final game and suspending chartered planes that will take them home from Iceland and allow games to stand by mistake but allow them to make their flights. Ultimately, the judges uphold the outcome of the game with an uncorrected error.
Victor Watson and Ranny Barton began holding tournaments in England and the US, respectively. The World Champion was declared in the United States in 1973 and 1974 (and is still regarded as the official World Champion by Hasbro). While the 1973 tournament, the first, matches the three US regional champions against the English champions and thus can be regarded as the first international tournament, the true multinational international tournament was first held in 1975. Both authors (Orbanes and Brandreth) agree that John Mair is the Champion The first real world, as decided in a tournament held in Washington, DC a few days after the end of the European Championship (also won by Mair), in November 1975.
In 1982, tournaments in the United States featured competition among the tournament winners in all 50 states, competing to become US Champion. The national tournament was held in the US and UK the year before the World Championships until 2003-2004 but during the same year in 2009 (see table, below). The determination of US champions was changed for the 2003 tournament: the winner of internet-based quiz challenge was chosen to compete, rather than one country champion for each of the 50 states. The tournament is now usually held every six years. In the past, the US edition of the Monopoly board was used at the World Championship level, while national variants were used at the national level. Since the real international game started in 1975, no US world champion, still considered a "birthplace" board game. However, Dana Terman, the US champion twice, took second place at the 1980 World Championships, Richard Marinaccio, US Champion 2009, third in the 2009 World Championships, and Brian Valentine, US Representative 2015, finished third in the 2015 World Championships.
NicolÃÆ'² Falcone of Italy beat players from 27 countries plus defending champions at the 2015 World Championships held at The Venetian resort in Macau.
Localization, license and spin-off
The original hand that made the edition of the game Monopoly has been localized to the cities or areas where it was played, and Parker Brothers continued this exercise. Their version Monopoly has been produced for international markets, with localized venues for cities including London and Paris and for countries including the Netherlands and Germany, among others. In 1982, Parker Brothers stated that the game "has been translated into more than 15 languages ​​...." In 2009, Hasbro reported that Monopoly is officially published in 27 languages, and has been licensed by them in 81 countries. In January 2013, Hasbro stated that the game is now available in 43 languages ​​and 111 countries.
The game also inspires official spin-offs, such as the Advance to Boardwalk board game from 1985. There are six card games: Waterwork from 1972, Free Parking from 1988, Express Monopoly from 1993, Monopoly: The Card Game from 1999, Monopoly Deal from 2008 and Monopoly Millionaire Deal from 2012. Finally, there are two dice games: Do not Go to Jail from 1991 and updates, Monopoly Express , (2006-2007). The second product line of games and licenses is at Monopoly Junior , first published in 1990. In the late 1980s, the official edition of Monopoly appeared for Sega Master System and Commodore 64 and Commodore 128. The television show, produced by King World Productions, was attempted in the summer of 1990, but only lasted for 12 episodes. In 1991-1992, the official version appeared for Apple Macintosh and Nintendo's NES, SNES, and Game Boy. In 1995, when Hasbro (who had taken over Kenner Parker Tonka in 1991) is preparing to launch Hasbro Interactive as a new brand, they chose Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit to become theirs. the first two CD-ROM games. Monopoly's CD-ROM game is also allowed to play over the Internet. The CD-ROM version of the official license of Star Wars and the FIFA World Cup edition of '98 was also released. Then the exclusive spin-off CD-ROM, Monopoly Casino and Monopoly Tycoon , are also produced under license.
Various game manufacturers have created dozens of licensed licensed versions, in which the names of properties and other elements of the game are replaced by others according to the game's theme. The first license was awarded in 1994, to a company that became USAopoly, starting with the San Diego edition of Monopoly and later including themes such as the national park, Star Trek, Star Wars, Nintendo , Disney characters, Pokémon, Peanuts, various cities (such as Las Vegas and New York City), states, colleges and universities, World Cup, NASCAR , individual professional sports teams, and many others. USAopoly also sells a special edition of the company Monopoly . The company's official edition has been produced for Best Buy, Boy Scouts of America, FedEx, and UPS, among others. In 1995, the second license was awarded to Winning Moves Games in Massachusetts. Winning Moves has produced new board games and card games based on Monopoly in the United States. Winning Moves also produces localized localized gaming editions in the UK, France, Germany and Australia. The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Edition Monopoly is a special case, originally produced by Winning Moves in the UK, and resold by USAopoly in the United States. A third license was awarded in 2000 by Hasbro to Winning Solutions, Inc., which produces a special deluxe edition that is mostly sold by specialty retailers. Other local editions licensed from this game are published in Nigeria and the Netherlands, among other locations.
When creating several modern licensed editions, such as Looney Tunes and The Powerpuff Girls Monopoly edition, Hasbro includes special variant rules to play in the proprietary license theme. Infogrames, which has published the CD-ROM edition of Monopoly , also includes the selection of "house rules" as possible game variants. Electronic Arts, which publishes the current electronic versions of the game, as for the Nintendo Wii, also includes the selection of certain home rules.
Unofficial version of the game, which shares some of the same game features, but also includes changes to avoid copyright infringement, has been created by companies such as Late for the Sky Production Company and Help on Board. This is done for small towns, sometimes as charitable fund raisers, and some have been made for campuses and colleges. Others have non-geographic themes such as Wine-opoly and Chocolate-opoly. There is also a version called Make Your Own -OPOLY , which allows you to customize all the gaming tools and rules to your liking.
Prior to the creation of Hasbro Interactive, and after the sale later to Infogrames, official computers and video game versions were available on multiple platforms. In addition to the versions listed above, they have been produced for Amiga, BBC Micro, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Color, GameCube, PC, Nintendo 64, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, Sega Genesis, Xbox, and mobile. A version for Windows CE was planned in 1999. A handheld electronic game was first released in 1998 that allowed one human player to fight up to three selected player "personalities" or randomly selected from five. The Nintendo DS release (along with Battleship , Boggle , and Yahtzee ) has been published (by Atari), as well as a stand-alone edition for the console same (by EA). In 2001, Stern Pinball, Inc. released a version of the Monopoly pinball machine, designed by Pat Lawlor.
House rules and custom rules
The official Parker Brothers rules and board remained largely unchanged from 1936 to 2008. Ralph Anspach opposed this during an on-air conversation with The Book Monopoly author Maxine Brady in 1975, calling it an end to "steady progress" and barriers to progress. Some authors who have written on board games have noted many of the "house rules" that have become common among players, although they do not appear in the Parker Brothers rule sheet. Gyles Brandreth included a section entitled "Variation Monopoly," Tim Moore notes some rules as used in households in his Preface, Phil Orbanes including his own part of the variation, and Maxine Brady noted some in his introduction. Writers Noel Gunther and Richard Hutton published Outside Boardwalk and Park Place in 1986, as guides, per cover, "to make Monopoly fun again, by introducing new variations of rules and strategy. R. Wayne Schmittberger, former game editor of the magazine, acknowledged the work of Gunther and Hutton in 1992 own book New Rules for Classic Games (which includes several pages of Variations and Various monopoly suggestions of the standard rules of the game).
Anti-Monopoli, Inc. vs. General Mills Fun Group, Inc. court case 1976-1985
Beginning in 1974, Parker Brothers and its parent company, General Mills, tried to suppress a game publication called Anti-Monopoly , designed by San Francisco State University economics professor Ralph Anspach and first published the previous year.. Anspach began researching game history, and argued that the copyright and trademark held by Parker Brothers should be canceled, because the game is out of the public domain. Among other things, Anspach discovered an empty 1933 Charles B. Darrow file in the United States Copyright Office, testimony of the game case of Inflation resolved out of court, and a letter from Knapp Electric challenging Parker Brothers over Monopoly . When the case was heard in November 1976, Anspach produced testimony by many people involved with early game developments, including Catherine and Willard Allphin, Dorothea Raiford and Charles Todd. Willard Allphin attempted to sell the game version to Milton Bradley in 1931, and published an article on the early history of the game in England in 1975. Raiford has helped Ruth Hoskins produce early Atlantic City games. Even Daniel Layman was interviewed, and Darrow's widow was overthrown. The presiding judge, Spencer Williams, originally ruled for Parker Brothers/General Mills in 1977, allowed the Monopoly trademark to stand, and allowed the company to destroy copies of Anspach Anti-Monopoly. Anspach appealed.
In December 1979, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal decided to support Professor Anspach, with an opinion that approved the facts about the history of the game and was different from the "official" account of Parker Brothers. The court also upheld the "purchase motivation" test (described in the decision as "Genericness Doctrine"), a "test in which the trademark is valid only if the consumer, when they request the game Monopoly , means they want the Parker version Brothers.... "This has the potential to negate the trademark of Monopoly, and the court returns the case to Judge Williams. Williams heard the case again in 1980, and in 1981 he again defended Parker Brothers. Anspach appealed again, and in August 1982 the appeal court was reversed again. The case was then filed by General Mills/Parker Brothers to the United States Supreme Court, which decided not to hear the case in February 1983, and refused an appeal for rehearing in April. This allows the appeals court's decision to stand and further allows Anspach to continue his game publication.
With the trademark canceled, the name "Monopoly" goes into the public domain, where the game's naming is concerned, and the overflow of non-Parker-Brothers variants is published. Parker Brothers and other companies lobby the United States Congress and get revised trademark laws. The case was finally resolved in 1985, with Monopoly remaining valid trademarks of Parker Brothers, and Anspach commissioned the Anti-Monopoly trademark to the company but retained the ability to use it at under license. Anspach receives compensation for court fees and copies of destroyed games, as well as unspecified damage. She was allowed to continue publication with legal disclaimer. Anspach then published himself a book about his research and legal fights with General Mills, Kenner Parker Toys, and Hasbro.
Legal status
Parker Brothers/Hasbro now claims trademark rights on behalf of and variations, and has confirmed it against others such as Ghettopoly publishers. Professor Anspach commissioned the Anti-Monopoly trademark back to Parker Brothers, and Hasbro now owns it. Anspach game keeps printing. The previous publisher was a company called Talicor, but the game is currently distributed and sold by Game Universities around the world.
Patents exist in the game Monopoly and its predecessors, such as Game Landlord , but all have now expired. Specific graphics from board games, cards, and cuts are protected by copyright laws and trademark laws, such as the specific words of the game rules.
Monopoly as a brand
Parker Brothers created several accessories and licensed several products shortly after starting to publish the game in 1935. This included the first money and add-on bursa in 1936, birthday cards, and songs by Charles Tobias (lyrics) and John Jacob Loeb (lyrics) music). At the end of the Anti-Monopoly case, Kenner Parker Toys began searching for trademarks on Monopoly design elements. It was at this point that the game's main logo was redesigned to show "Uncle Pennybags Kaya" (now "Monopoly") reaching from the second "O" in Monopoly. To commemorate the 50th anniversary in 1985, the company commissioned Lou Brooks artists to redesign and illustrate the main logo as a red road sign banner, as well as the Rich Uncle Pennybags character that reaches "O". Brooks was also employed at that time to develop and illustrate the special edition "Packaging Warning" specially made by tin box deposits. This art is also brought to a more traditional cardboard game box that is revised for birthdays.
All items stamped with red MONOPOLY logo also display the word "Brand" in lower case. In the mid-1980s, after the success of the first "collector's first tin anniversary" (for the 50th anniversary), this edition of the game was produced by Franklin Mint, the first edition published outside Parker Brothers. At about the same time, McDonald's started the first game promotion Monopoly , considers the most successful company, which continues to this day. This twentieth promotion is sponsored in 2012.
In recent years, the Monopoly brand has been licensed to the line of slot machines built by WMS Gaming (first introduced in 1998, six models were created in 2000, and over 20 in 2005). The slot was named "The Most Innovative Gaming Product in 1999 and was voted" most popular "in 2001. The brand has also been licensed to instant-winning lottery tickets, and a line of 1:64 scale model cars manufactured by Johnny Lightning, who also including billable game token. Other licenses have been issued for clothing and accessories, including bathroom accessories. Ownership of Winning Moves The game also has a Monopoly Calculator which can be used as a standard calculator, or used to assist in transactions during a game.
See also
- List of London Monopoly places
External links
Official site
- The official US Monopoly Website
- The official English Monopoly Website
- Monopoly on Facebook
- AS. Patent 748,626 - Patent for first version of Landlord Game , Published January 5, 1904
- AS. Patents 1,509,312 - Patents for second version of Landlord Game , Published Sep 23, 1924
- AS. Patent 2,026,082 - Patents granted to C.B. Darrow for Monopoly on December 31, 1935
- History Landlord Game and Monopoly .
- History Monopoly in World of Monopoly
- Online photo albums from many sets of US history Monopoly , from Charles Darrow's set up to the 1950s from Fernandez Collection Sundown Farm and Ranch
- Another online photo album from the start of the making of Parker Brothers and Waddington, 1935-1954.
- Under Boardwalk - MONOPOLY Story - Movies detailing the early history of the game with interviews include Phil Orbanes, Randolph Barton, Victor Watson, and Charles Darrow II.
Source of the article : Wikipedia