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Underwear is clothing worn under outerwear, usually in direct contact with the skin, although it may consist of more than one layer. They serve to keep the outer garments so as not to be dirty or damaged by body excretion, to reduce the friction of the outer garments on the skin, body shaping, and provide concealment or support for its parts. In cold weather, long underwear is sometimes worn to provide additional warmth. The special type of underwear has a religious meaning. Some items of clothing are designed as underwear, while others, such as T-shirts and shorts of a certain kind, fit both as underwear and as outerwear. If made of suitable materials or textiles, some underwear may serve as sleepwear or swimsuits, and some are intended for sexual attraction or visual appeal.

Underwear generally consists of two types, which are used to cover the body and that is used to cover the waist and legs, although there are also clothes that cover both. Various styles of underwear are generally worn by women and men. Women's underwear that is worn today includes bras and underwear (known in England as underwear), while men often wear shorts, shorts, or boxer shorts. The items commonly worn by both sexes include T-shirts, sleeveless shirts (also called singlets or tank tops), underwear bikinis, thongs, and G-strings.

Video Undergarment


Underwear is known by a number of terms. Underwear, underwear and underwear is a formal term, while underwear may be more casually called, in Australia, Reg Grundys underwear /i> (slang rhyming language for undies ) and Reginalds , and, in the United Kingdom, little children (from previous fabrics small ) and (historically) unmentionable . In the United States, women's underwear can be known as delicates due to recommended washing machine cycles or because they are, simply, delicate.

Women's underwear is collectively called lingerie . They are also called intimate clothing and close friends .

A T-shirt (vest in England) is an underwear that covers the body, while underwear (often pants in the UK), drawers, and shorts cover the genitals and buttocks. The requirements for special clothing are shown in the table below.

Not wearing underwear under outerwear is known in American slang as freeballing for men and like be commando for gender. The actions of a woman who does not wear a bra are sometimes referred to as freeboobing .

Maps Undergarment


Underwear is worn for various reasons. They keep the outer garments so as not to get dirty by sweat, urine, semen, menstrual blood and dirt. A woman's bra provides support for breasts, and men's pants serve the same function for male genitals. The corset can be worn as a basic outfit to change the shape of a woman's body. For additional support and protection when playing sports, men often wear more stringent underwear, including sport jerseys and sports shirts with pocket cups and protective cups. Women may wear a sports bra that provides greater support, thus improving comfort and reducing the chances of damage to the chest ligament during high-impact exercises such as jogging.

In cold climates, underwear may be an additional layer of clothing that helps keep the wearer warm. Clothes can also be used to keep the user's simplicity - for example, some women wear a camisole and slip under a thin dress. In contrast, some types of underwear can be worn for sexual titillation, such as edible clothing, underwear and underwear.

Some items of clothing are specially designed as underwear, while others such as T-shirts and shorts of a certain type fit well as underwear as well as outerwear. The suitability of underwear as outerwear is, regardless of indoor or outdoor climates, largely dependent on social norms, fashion and legal requirements. If made of suitable materials, some underwear may serve as a sleeping suit or a swimsuit.

Religious functions

Underwear can also have religious significance:

  • Judaism . In order to comply with the public dress code, tallit katan is often used under t-shirts.
  • Mormonism . After their endowment at a temple, Mormons wore special temple clothing that helped them to remember the teachings of the temple.
  • Sikhism . One of the five articles of faith ( panj kakaar ) worn by Sikh men and women is a certain pants style similar to boxer pants and is known as kacchera .
  • Zoroastrianism . Zoroastrian wear a t-shirt called Sedreh tied with a holy belt around the waist known as Kushti .


Ancient history

Corset is the simplest form of clothing; it may be the first underwear worn by humans. In warmer climates, it is often the only clothing to wear (effectively making it outerwear rather than underwear), because it is undoubtedly the origin, but in colder areas the wrists often form the basis of a person's clothing and are covered by other clothing.. In most ancient civilizations, this is the only underwear available.

A loincloth can take three main forms. The first, and simplest, is just a long strip of material that is passed between the legs and then around the waist. Archaeologists have discovered the remains of a 7,000-year-old leather loincloth. The ancient Hawaiian man malo is this form, as are some of the Japanese style fundoshi . Another form is usually called cache-sexe: a fabric triangle is provided with a string or loop, which is used to tie a triangle between the leg and above the genitals. The Egyptian king Tutankhamun (1341 BC - 1323 BC) was found buried with many linen from this style. The alternative form is more like a skirt: the cloth is wrapped around the hip several times and then tied with a belt.

Men are said to have old worn in ancient Greece and Rome, though it is unclear whether Greek women wear underwear. There is some speculation that only slaves who wear wedges and citizens do not wear underwear under their chiton. The Mosaic Roman period indicates that women (especially in the athletic context, while wearing nothing) sometimes wear a strophiae (pajama) or a soft leather bra, along with a subligacula < i> which are either in the form of shorts or cords. Subligacula is also used by men.

The fabric used for the wires may be wool, linen or linsey-woolsey mixture. Only the upper class can get imported silk.

Wire continues to be used by people all over the world - it is a traditional form of underwear in many Asian societies, for example. In a variety of, primarily tropical, cultures, traditional men's clothing may still consist of sole under-waist or even none, with underwear as an option, including Indian dhoti and . , or Scottish skirt.

Medieval and Renaissance

In the Middle Ages, western men's underwear became looser. The wire is replaced with loose clothing such as pants called braies, worn by the wearer to tread and then tie or tie the waist and legs around the calf. Richer men often wear chausses as well, which only cover the feet. Braies (or more precisely braccae) is a type of pants worn by the Celtic and Germanic tribes in ancient times and by the Europeans then entered the Middle Ages. In the later Middle Ages they were used exclusively as underwear.

In the Renaissance, braies became shorter to accommodate longer chaussures. Chausses also gives way to forming a fitting hose, which covers the legs and feet. The 15th century hose is often stained, with each foot in a different colored cloth or even more than one color on the foot. However, many types of braies, chausses and hose are not meant to be covered by other clothing, so it is not really a pant in a strict sense.

Braies are usually equipped with front flaps that are buttoned or tied closed. This Codpiece allows men to urinate without having to remove the braies completely. Codip is also worn with a hose when the doublet is very short - a vest (British: a vest -) like a garment tied in front and worn under another garment - in fashion, because the initial shape of the hose is open in the crotch. Henry VIII of England began to fill his code, which led to a larger and larger inflammatory trend that only ended in the late 16th century. It has been speculated that the King may have syphilis sexually transmitted diseases, and large codpieces may include bandages soaked in medicine to relieve his symptoms. Henry VIII also wants a healthy son and may think that projecting himself in this way will portray fertility. Codpieces are sometimes used as pockets to store small items.

At the top of their bodies, medieval men and women usually wear tight clothes like shirts called chemise in France, or shirts or shifts in England. The pioneer of a modern shirt, the camisole was tucked into a man's tie, under his outer garment. Women wear camisoles under their robes or robes, sometimes with skirts on a camisole. An elaborate layered skirt may be featured by a cut-away dress, in which case they serve skirts rather than underwear. During the 16th century, farthingale was very popular. This is a taut skirt with a reed or willow stick so it protrudes out of the female body like a cone extending from the waist.

Corsets are also being used around now. Initially they are called body pairs, which refers to a rigid decorative corset worn over another rigid bodice with a buckram, reed, stick, whale or other material. This is not a small curved, curved corset that is known from the Victorian era, but still straight that flattens the chest.

There is a myth that Crusaders, worried about the loyalty of their wives, forced them to wear holy belts. There are no references, images or belts that survive to support this story. Most historians of this period are of the view that the holy belt is used to prevent sexual assault and that the woman keeps the key.

Braies and male hoses are eventually replaced with simple cotton, silk or drawer linens, which are usually knee-length pants with a flap on the front.

Medieval people wearing only a tunic, without panties, can be seen in works such as The Ass in the School by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, in TrÃÆ'¨s Riches Heures du duc de Berry by Limbourg Brothers or in Grimani Breviary: The Month of February by Gerard Horenbout.

In 2012, the findings at Lengberg Castle, in Austria, show that clothing of lace and linen such as a bra, one of which is very similar to a modern bra, derived from hundreds of years before it is thought to exist.

Enlightenment and Industrial Age

The invention of rotating jenny machines and gin cotton in the second half of the 18th century made cotton fabrics widely available. This allows the factory to produce large underwear, and for the first time, people start buying underwear at the store rather than making them at home.

The legacy of women in the 18th century was traced back and pulled backward to form a high and erect chest posture. Stay colored popular. With a relaxed country style at the end of this century, it remains shorter and boneless or just light-bodied, and is now called a corset. Because the tight waist became fashionable in the 1820s, the corset returned bony and laced to form a figure. In the 1860s, a small waist ("wasps") was seen as a symbol of beauty, and a stiff corset with whalebone or steel to achieve this. Strictly tying a corset sometimes causes a woman to retire to the unconscious room. In the 1880s, the clothing reform movement campaigned against pain and damage to internal organs and bones caused by heavy strikes. Inez Gaches-Sarraute finds a "health corset", with straight breasts made to help support the wearer's muscles.

Corsets are usually worn on linen or cotton or thin muslin like a shirt. The style of the skirt becomes shorter and the long drawer called the pantalette or pantalon keeps the foot closed. Pantalettes originated in France in the early 19th century, and quickly spread to England and America. Pantalettes is a form of leggings or a long drawer. They can be one or two separate clothing, one for each leg, attached to the waist with buttons or straps. Groin is left open for hygiene reasons.

When the skirt became fuller than the 1830s, the women wore many deep skirts to get a fashionable bell shape. In the 1850s, rigid crinolines and longer hoop skirts allowed wider skirts to wear. The busyness, the frame or the pads worn over the buttocks to enhance its shape, had been used by women for two centuries, but reached its peak of popularity in the late 1880s, and out of fashion forever in the 1890s.. Women wearing crinolines often wear drawers underneath them for simplicity and warmth.

Another common underwear from the late nineteenth century for men, women and children is clothing association. Invented in Utica, New York, and patented in 1868, this is a one-piece front cut that is usually made of knitwear with arms extending to the wrists and feet up to the ankle. It has a buttoned flap (known colloquially as "hatch access", "drop chair" or "flame extinguisher") in the back to facilitate a visit to the toilet. The union suit is the precursor of a long johns, a two-piece garment consisting of long and long sleeved trousers that might be named after American boxer John L. Sullivan who wore the same outfit in the ring.

The jockstrap was created in 1874, by C.F. Bennett from Chicago sports goods company, Sharp & amp; Smith, to provide comfort and support for bike jockeys who ride the rocky streets of Boston, Massachusetts. In 1897, the newly formed Bennett Bicycle Company was patented and started mass producing Jockey's Bike Cords.

1900s ke 1920s

At the beginning of the 20th century, the mass-produced underwear industry was booming, and competition forced manufacturers to come up with all sorts of innovative and attention-grabbing designs to compete. The Hanes company emerged from this explosion and quickly established itself as a union clothing manufacturer, which was common until the 1930s. Textile technology continues to improve, and the time to make single union wear decreases day by day.

Meanwhile, women's underwear designers loosen the corset. The discovery of a new, flexible but supportive material allows the bone of the whalebone and steel to be removed. The emancipation or freedom of the corset offers an alternative to the narrowed corset, and in Australia and the UK the corset freedom becomes a standard item for girls as well as women.

Men's underwear also increases. Benjamin Joseph Clark, a migrant to Louisiana from New Jersey, opened a venture capitalist company called Bossier in Bossier Parish. One of the products produced by his company is a tight boxer that resembles modern underwear. Although the company went bankrupt in the early 1900s, it had an impact on the design of men's clothing.

Clothing commercials were first made in the 1910s. The first clothing print ad in the US appeared on The Saturday Evening Post in 1911 and featured an oil painting by J. C. Leyendecker from "Kenosha Klosed Krotch". Initial clothing advertising emphasizes durability and comfort, and fashion is not considered a selling point.

At the end of 1910, the Chalmers Knitting Company divided the union suit to the top and bottom, effectively creating modern shirts and drawers. Women wear a male version of this basic duo known as a camisole and a tap pant.

In 1912, the US had its first professional clothing designer. Lindsay "Layneau" Boudreaux, a French immigrant, founded the short-lived Layneau pantneau company. Although the company is closed within a year, the company has a significant impact on many levels. Boudreaux showed the world that an American woman could set up and run a company, and she also caused a revolution in the underwear industry.

In 1913, a New York socialite named Mary Phelps Jacob created the first modern bra by tying two handkerchiefs along with the ribbon. Jacob's original intention was to cover the bone of a whale sticking out of its corset, which was visible through its thin dress. Jacob started making bras for his family and friends, and the news about the garment soon spread from mouth to mouth. In 1914, Jacob had a patent for his design and marketed it throughout the US. Although women have been wearing clothes like bras in previous years, Jacob was the first to be successfully marketed and widely adopted.

By the end of the decade, the "bloomer" pants, popularized by Amelia Jenks Bloomer (1818-1894) but invented by Elizabeth Smith Miller, gained popularity with so-called Gibson Girls who enjoyed activities such as cycling and tennis. This new female athlete helps push the corset out of style. Another major factor in corset death is the fact that the metal is globally less supply during the First World War. Armored corset was dropped for bra.

Meanwhile, World War I soldiers out front shorts as underwear. The buttons attached to a separate piece of cloth, or "yoke", are sewn to the front of the garment, and the fit stiffness is adjusted by the bonds on the sides. This design proved so popular that it began to replace the union suits in popularity at the end of the war. Rayon's outfit also became widely available in the post-war period.

In the 1920s, manufacturers shifted the emphasis from durability to comfort. Union suit ads rave about a new patented design that reduces the number of buttons and improves accessibility. Much of this experimental design has something to do with new ways to cover the crotch cover that is common to most union settings and drawers. The new cotton woven fabric called nainsook gained popularity in 1920 for its durability. Retailers also began selling preshrunk underwear.

Also in the 1920s, when the lines of women's dress rose, women began wearing stockings to cover the open legs. The female pofomer also becomes shorter. The shorter pofors become looser and less supportive when the flapper looks like a boy into fashion. At the end of the decade, they came to be known as "step-in", much like modern trousers but with wider legs. They are used to increase the flexibility they provide.

Garter belts are created to keep the stockings from falling.

In 1928, Maidenform, a company operated by Ida Rosenthal, a Russian immigrant, developed a bra and introduced a modern cup size for a bra.

1930s and 1940s

Modern male underwear is largely a 1930s invention. On January 19, 1935, Coopers Inc. selling the world's first trousers in Chicago. Designed by a "clothing engineer" named Arthur Kneibler, trousers are handed out with legs and has Y-shaped overlap flies. The company dubs the "Jockey" design because it offers support previously only available from a jockstrap. Jockey pants proved so popular that more than 30,000 pairs were sold within three months of its introduction. Coopers, after being renamed the Jockey company, sent a "Mascul-line" aircraft to conduct a special "masculine support" delivery to retailers across the US. In 1938, when Jockey was introduced in England, they sold for 3,000 a week.

In this decade, the company also began selling buttonless drawers equipped with elastic waists. These are the first true shorts, named for their resemblance to shorts worn by professional fighters. Scovil Manufacturing introduces the current snap fastener, which is a popular addition to various types of underwear.

The women of 1930 brought the corset back, now called "corset". The outfit does not have a whalebone and metal support and usually comes with a bra (now commonly called a "bra") and an attached garter.

During World War II, elastic belts and metal handcuffs once again gave button fasteners due to the shortage of rubber and metal. Underwear is also more difficult to find, because troops abroad have priority to get it. At the end of the war, Jockey and Hanes remained the industry leaders in the US, but Cluett, Peabody and Company made a name for himself when introducing a preshrinking process called "Sanforization", created by Sanford Cluett in 1933, which came to be partially licensed major manufacturers.

Meanwhile, some women adopt a corset once again, now called "waspie" for the wasp-shaped waist line that gives the wearer. Many women start wearing a strapless bra as well, which is gaining popularity due to its ability to push the breast up and increase cleavage.

1950s and 60s

Before the 1950s, underwear consisted of simple white clothing that was not shown in public. In the 1950s, underwear was promoted as a fashion item in its own right, and made with mold and color. Manufacturers are also experimenting with rayon and new fabrics like Dacron, Nylon and Spandex. In 1960, men's underwear was regularly printed in hard patterns, or with messages or pictures such as cartoon characters.

Women's underwear starts to press the breast rather than the waist. The decade sees the introduction of bra bra bra pointing, inspired by the "New Look" Christian Dior, which features a pointy cup. The original Wonderbra and push-up bra by Frederick's of Hollywood finally hit it big. Women's underwear became more colorful and decorative, and in the mid-1960s was available in two abbreviated styles called hip-hugger and bikini (named after the Pacific Ocean island), often in nylon fabrics.

Pantyhose, also called tight pants in English English, which incorporates panties and hoses into one outfit, made their first appearance in 1959, created by Glen Raven Mills of North Carolina. The company later introduced a flawless pantyhose in 1965, fueled by the popularity of mini skirts. By the end of the decade, belts are no longer favored because women choose sexier and lighter alternatives.

With the advent of the women's movement in the United States, sales for pantyhose fell during the last half of the 1960s increased initially.

1970 to today

Fashion underwear reached its peak in the 1970s and 1980s, and advertisers of underwear forgot about comfort and endurance, at least in advertising. The sex appeal becomes a major selling point, in swimwear as well, leading to a trend that has been built since at least the flapper era.

Tank top, a T-shirt named after the 1920s swim suit known as a tank or maillot suit, became a popular hot-weather casual outfit in the US in the 1980s. Players like Madonna and Cyndi Lauper are also often seen wearing their underwear on top of other outfits.

Although used for decades by exotic dancers, in the 1980s the first G-strings gained popularity in South America, particularly in Brazil. Originally a swimsuit style, the back of the garment was so narrow that it disappeared between the buttocks. By the 1990s, its design had reached much of the Western world, and thong underwear became popular. Today, thong is one of the fastest selling styles of clothing among women, and is also worn by men.

While health and practicality had previously been emphasized, in the 1970s retailers of men's pants began to focus on fashion and sex appeal. Designers like Calvin Klein began displaying almost naked models in their commercials for white pants. Increasing the wealth of the gay community helps promote the diversity of underwear choices. In his book The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (1975), Andy Warhol wrote:

I told B I needed some socks as well and at least 30 pairs of Jockey shorts. He suggested I switch to Italian-style trousers, which with a T-shaped crotch that tends to build you up. I told him that I had tried it once, in Rome, the day I walked through Liz Taylor's film - and I did not like them because they made me so self-conscious. It gives me the feelings that girls need to have when they are wearing a raised bra.

Warhol loves his jockey pants so he uses a pair as a canvas for one of his dollar-dollar paintings.

In the UK in the 1970s, tight jeans gave the boxers shorts over boxers shorts among young men, but a decade later boxers were encouraged by the performance of Nick Kamen in Levi's "Launderette" television commercial for 501 jeans, where he took off her clothes. to a pair of white boxer pants at the public laundry. However, coverage remains popular in America from the 1950s (among youths) to the mid-1990s and in Australia in short remains popular today and has become an icon.

The 1990s saw the introduction of boxer pants, which took the form of a longer boxer but maintained the tightness of the pants. The hip hop star popularized "sagging", where loose jeans or shorts were allowed to droop under the waist, exposing the waist or most of the shorts, shorts, or boxer shorts worn underneath. Mark Wahlberg's sculpture (later known as Mark Mark) in a series of 1990 underwear ads for Calvin Klein pants led to his success as a white hip-hop star and a Hollywood actor.


Some people choose not to wear any panties, an exercise that is sometimes referred to as "go commando", for convenience, to allow their outer (especially fitting) outfits to look more flattering, to avoid creating panty lines, as they feel sexually attractive, or because they do not see any need for them. Certain types of clothing, such as cycling shorts and kilts, are designed to wear or wear traditionally without underwear. This also applies to most clothing worn as nightwear and bathing suits. Some analysts have encouraged people with a higher-than-average libido to change their outfits more often than average because of hygiene issues related to byproducts such as cowter fluid and vaginal lubrication.

Underwear is sometimes partially exposed for fashion reasons or for stimulation. A woman can, for example, let the top of her bra look out from under her collar, or wear a translucent blouse on it. Some men wear T-shirts under partial or completely unbuttoned shirts. The common style among young men is to let trousers slip under the waist, thus showing the waist or most of whatever underwear the man wore. A woman wearing low pants can expose the backside of her thong underwear which is said to feature a "whale tail".

Type and style

Types and styles of contemporary general clothing are listed in the table below.



In January 2008 it was reported that, according to market research firm Mintel, the men's clothing market in the UK was worth Ã, £ 674 million, and the sales volume of men's underwear increased 24% between 2000 and 2005. British manufacturers and retailers claim that most British men prefer "shorts", or shorts. Director of men's clothing from UK premier retailer Marks & amp; Spencer (M & S), which sells 40 million pairs of men's underwear a year, is quoted as saying that while boxer pants are still the most popular on M & S, reduced demand to support similar hipster pants in design with swimsuits worn by actor Daniel Craig in the James Bond film Casino Royale (2006).

In 1985, Fruit of the Loom, Hanes, and Jockey International had the largest share in the US men's underwear market; these companies have about 35%, 15%, and 10% of the market, respectively.

Gregory Woods, author of "We're Here, We're Weird and We Do not Do Catalogs," states that in companies often do not market men's underwear to straight men assuming that they are not interested in buying underwear for themselves; therefore many such advertisements are for women, as well as gay men, to convince them to buy underwear for their husbands. In 1985, President Jockey International Howard Cooley stated that women often shop more than men, and men ask women to buy underwear for them. According to several studies conducted around 1985, 60-80% of men's underwear has been sold by women.

Designers and resellers

A number of renowned designer labels are renowned for their underwear collection, including Calvin Klein, Dolce & amp; Gabbana and La Perla. Similarly, special underwear brands continue to emerge, such as Andrew Christian, 2 (x) ist, Leonisa, and Papi.

Retail specialist retailers include La Senza (Canada) street shops, Provocateur Agent (UK), Victoria's Secret (USA), and GapBody, Gap lingerie division established in 1998 (USA). Online retailer, Freshpair, appeared in 2000 in New York and in 2008 Abercrombie & amp; Fitch opened a new store network, Gilly Hicks, to compete with other clothing retailers.

See also

  • Fetishism of clothing
  • Swimsuit
  • Corset controversy
  • Diaper
  • Hosiery
  • The social aspect of clothing
  • Pants - Legal - laws on exposure to underwear
  • Underwear as outerwear




  • Rushton, Susie (January 22, 2008). "Brief history of pants: Why little men are always a subject of concern". The Independent ( Extra ) . London. pp.Ã, 2-5.

Further reading

  • Cunnington, C [ecil] Willett; Phillis Cunnington (1992). History of Underclothes . New York: Dover Publication. ISBNÃ, 0-486-27124-2. Ã, First published in London by Michael Joseph in 1951.
  • Hawthorne, Rosemary (1993). Stockings & amp; Suspender: Quick Flash . Lucy Pettifer & amp; Claire Taylor (sick.). London: Souvenirs. ISBN: 0-285-63143-8.
  • Martin, Richard [Harrison]; Harold Koda (1993). Infra-apparel . photos by Neil Selkirk. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art. ISBNÃ, 0-8109-6430-9.

External links

  • Historical Lingerie Pictures from the New York Public Library Image Collection

Source of the article : Wikipedia
