Yui Sakakibara (Japanese: , Hepburn: Sakakibara Yui , born October 13th in Hy? go Prefecture) is a Japanese voice actress, choreographer, dancer and singer. He appeared in K? Haku Uta Gassen as a background dancer behind Ami Suzuki in 1999 and 2000. She used the name Mayo Hinano ( ??? (??) , Hinano Mayo ) and others in the previous sound. He is also credited as FES of the band "Phantasm" ( ?????? ) in ChÃÆ'¤oS; HEAd and Steins; Gate anime series, which is the stage name of his character Ayase Kishimoto of ChÃÆ'¤oS; HEAd.
Dirilis oleh LOVE ä € "TRAX pada 27 Januari 2006
- Realythm
- hari perhiasan - Tema Kotak Agustus Fan
- Egao o oikakete ( ????????????? ) - Konneko membuka tema
- Maboroshi ( ?? - ???? ~ ) - Mozu no Nie... ~ Hayanie no Sho ~ membuka tema
- Haru ni saku Omoi ( ???????? ) - Ane mo ne membuka tema
- Kirari? Natsu ( ????? ) - untuk... membuka tema
- Itu hanya cinta - Sukidayo! ending theme
- Kooru Tsuki no Yoru ( ????? ) - UNDER GROUND endingtheme
- Ibarahime ?? ) - Papillon Rose G membuka tema
- H? y? ( ?? ) - Nukumori no naka de membuka tema
- sekolah bertemu denganmu - Sukumizu Police membuka tema
- Rin (? ~ ?? ~ ) - Ane mo ne ending theme
- Perjalanan - Blaze of Destiny ending theme
- melodi
- Ai no Gush! ( ?? GUSH! ) (jalur rahasia)
Dirilis oleh LOVE ä € "TRAX pada 22 September 2006
- menahan diri - Blaze of Destiny membuka tema
- Cinta Favorit - Otaku? Masshigura membuka tema
- Doki Doki ga Tomaranai ( Doki Doki ???????? ) - Mirorama membuka tema
- Yoru ga kuru tabi ( ??????? ) - Mirorama ending theme
- Kamu membuat saya! - Yu Me Ku Me! ~ Wakeari Bukken, Y? Sei Tsuki ~ membuka tema
- Bangunkan aku! - Koiotome membuka tema
- Kanata ?? ) - Papillon Rose G tema penutup
- Indah Harmoni - Bra-ban! - The Obligasi melodi - membuka tema
- Koisuru Tokei ( ??????? ) - Konneko ending theme
- Orange Cemerlang - Yotsunoha ending theme
- Selamat Ulang Tahun
- SATU HARI - Akanaeru Sekai no Owari ni sisipkan lagu
- Kono Hana Saku Koro ( ??????? ) - Piano no Mori no Mankai no Shita membuka tema
- Loveà ⠀ "2? lagu Versi - Inggris -
- princess
Released by LOVEÃÆ' â € "TRAX on September 21, 2007
- princess
- ChuÃÆ' â € "Chu !! - ChuÃÆ' â € "Chu Idol -The idol is a Vampire? opening theme
- I'll...! - Utsurigi Nanakoi Tenkiame opens the theme
- Only I hope - Utsurigi Nanakoi Tenkiame insert song
- Darling ( ???? ) - Osananajimi tono Kurashikata li>
- Hapiday? ( ????? ) - Happiness! Re: Lucks open the theme
- SINCLAIR - Sh? matsu Sh? jo gens? Alicematic theme
- core - Sh? matsu Sh? jo gens? Theme insert Alicematic
- SHOOTING STAR - Itsuka, Todoku, Anosorani. opening theme
- Believe me - EXE opens the theme
- Eternal Destiny - Opening theme Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro
- LOVEclick? - LOVEÃÆ' â € "Radio theme song
- dreaming - Hobby Radi theme song
- Joker
Released by LOVEÃÆ' â € "TRAX? Notes as of September 10, 2008
- Love Game (JOKER prelude)
- JOKER - G-Taste OVA theme song
- Einsatz - Died irae opened the theme
- Believe
- Congratulations Leap - Leap Time opening theme
- Over the Light - Nanairo Kanata insert a song
- Shared - Akatsuki no Goei open the theme
- Furu Furu? ( ?????? ) - Furufuru? Fullmoon opened the theme
- Until I can see you again - Chu x Chu Paradise ending theme
- Get the Power of Love - Konboku Mahjong: Konna Mahjong ga Attara Boku wa Ron! opening theme
- Aqua Voice - Asanagi no Aquanauts opens the theme
- Ready to Go !! - Fate/Tiger Colosseum open the theme
- Imitation - Theme Opener
- Girl meets Boy - Tokimeki Fantasy Latale song image
- message!
- ~ PHANTASM ~ End Prophecy as FES (PHANTASM 1st album)
Album kompilasi lagu dari Chä¤oS; HEAd; Dirilis oleh Media Factory pada 6 Mei 2009
- Mikky? Tidak Kubikazari ( ??????? ) (Black Mass Ver.)
- Shokuzai no Erotika ( ???????? )
- Zaika ni Keiyaku no Chi o ( ???????? )
- Yami ni Hikari o Tomosu Mono ( ????????? )
- Haritsuke no Misa ( ???? ) (Ke jarak Ver.)
- Haruka Naru Idiyona ( ?????????? ) (Ver Verifikasi Berat).
- Hallelujah ada Fukuin ( ????????? , Areruiya ada Fukuin ) (Extra Solo Ver.)
- Gladiale ( ????????? , Guraji? ru ) /li>
- Nageki ada Arabesque ( ????????? , Nageki ada Arabesuku )
- Dream Party Memorial Album
Released by DreamParty Secretariat on June 30, 2009
- Brightness
- Dream go! go! (ArrangementVersion)
- Motto, Yume, Miy? !! ( ????????? !! ) (CoverVersion)
- Premonition Dream (ArrangementVersion)
- The Shiny Road
- Rose quartz (ArrangementVersion)
- The Summer Angel?
- Continue...
- Happy Days? (ArrangementVersion)
- Timeline
- Thanks for us (ArrangementVersion)
- List
- LOVEÃÆ' â € "single
Released by LOVEÃÆ' â € "TRAX on July 3, 2009
- Jewelry days - August Fan Box theme song Song
- LoveÃÆ' â € "2? - LOVEÃÆ' â € "Radio theme song
- Kono Hana Haku Koro ( ?????? ) - Piano no Mori no Mankai no Shita opening theme
- Chiru Hana Sakura ??????? - Piano no Mori no Mankai no Shita ending theme
- Eternal Destiny - The opening theme of Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na
- Love? Emergency - LOVEÃÆ' â € "Radio theme song
- Imitation - Theme Opener
- feel - Final Imitation Lover theme
- Jewelry days (Instrumental) Song
- LoveÃÆ' â € "2? (Instrumental)
- Kono Hana Haku Koro ( ?????? ) (Instrumental)
- Chiru Hana Sakura ( ??????? ) (Instrumental)
- Eternal Destiny (Instrumental)
- Love? Emergency (Instrumental)
- Imitation (Instrumental)
- feel (Instrumental)
- Yeeeeell!
Released by LOVEÃÆ' â € "TRAX on August 26, 2009
- Yeeeeell!
- Time for the show - Time Leap Paradise opening theme
- Mecha Koi Ranman? ( ????????? ) - Tenshinranman -LUCKY or UNLUCKY !? - open the theme
- Boku no Sekai ( ?????? ) - '' Alpeggio: Kimiiro no Melody opened the theme
- warmth
- Eternal Ring - Unity Marriage: Futari no Hanayome open the theme
- Taiyou no Saku Hoshi de ( ??????? ) - Himawari no Kapel de Kimi to opening theme
- Celebration - ChuÃÆ' â € "Chu Paradise theme song
- Blue eyes - Asanagi no Aquanauts enging themes
- Try it Real! - Fate/tiger Colosseum UPPER theme song .
- selfish
- Yume no Tsume -End in childhood- ( ??? -End in childhood - ) - Potto -Rondo for Dears- opened the theme
- Shinju no Uta ( ????? ) - "Hello, world." ending theme
- Kiseki no Kizuna (mix 2009) ( ???? (2009mix) - Meguri, Hitohira opens theme
Released by a b-fairy note on November 26, 2009
- J? netsu no partita ( ??? partita )
- Gessei no Kanon ( ?????? ) - Galaxy Angel II Eig? Kaiki no Toki open the theme
- Aqua Voice - Asanagi no Aquanauts opens the theme
- Sakura Philosophy ( ?????????? ) - Sakura Tail opening theme
- PingÃÆ' â € "Otome = Koi ( ??? ÃÆ' - ?? =? ) - Ane imo 2: Imoimo Fan Disc open the theme
- Hapiday? ( ????? ) - Happiness! opening theme
- Turn on? ( ???????? ) - H 2 O: Footprint in Sand enter the song
- Tsurugi no Mai ( ??? ) - Mus? T? R? theme song
- Unmei no Revolution ( Revolution ) - Galaxy Angel II Eig? Kaiki no Toki ends chapter 8 and 10 themes
- Netsuj? Story ( ?? STORY ) - Monster Collection TCG theme song
- Melody Time ( ???????? ) - Time Leap Paradise final theme
- Kitto Yume to Yuki de Dekiteiru ( ??????????? ) - Harumoi opening theme
- Katayoku no Icarus ( ??????? ) - H 2 O: Traces Leg in the opening song of Sand
- you? I am
Released by 5pb. on February 3, 2010
- Toki no Nai Sekai ( ?????? ) - 12RIVEN opened the theme
- Happiness H? teishiki ( ??????? ) - Happiness! De: Luxe open the theme
- Shoshite Boku wa... ( ?????... ) - Prism Ark open the theme
- Silky Rain - Anison Plus opened the theme in June 2009
- Nanairo MERRY-> GO-> ROUND ( ?? MERRY-> GO-> ROUND )
- Magical? Generation ( ???????????? ) - Happiness! ending the theme
- Distance - 12RIVEN closing theme
- RISE - Prism Ark AWAKE ending theme
- DÃÆ' Â © jÃÆ' vu - Hapitora -Happy Transportation - open the theme
- Koi no Honoo ( ??? ) - Kanokon ending theme
- Natsu no Inori ( ???? ) - Esuii Kanokon insert a song
- Eien no Koi ( ???? ) - Esuii Kanokon ending song
- Ultimate Snow - Anison Plus opened the theme in February 2009
- You I - we will be together
Released by LOVEÃÆ' â € "TRAX on August 25, 2010
- Gregorio (LÃÆ' â € "T mix) Dies irae -Also sprach Zarathustra - open the theme
- Gens? no Shiro ( ???? ) - Akatsuki no Goei: Tsumibukaki Sh? matsuron opened the theme
- Hold ( ????? ) - Natsuzora Kanata ending theme
- Miss.Brand-new day - Zettai? Ma? opening theme
- FairChild - FairChild opens the theme
- Idol Revolution ( ???????????? ) - Airebo -IDOL? REVOLUTION - open the theme
- Beloved HERO - RGH: Koi to Hero to Gakuen to closing theme
- = Suki ( = ?? ) - Sweet! opening theme
- Love? Jet! - LOVEÃÆ' â € "Radio theme song
- summer day
- STAR LEGEND - 77: And, the two stars meet again open the theme
- Gattenshi ( ??? ) - Touhou Project Side Stories: Hoshi no Kioku ending theme
- HONEY -dance remix- (HAPPY? LOVEÃÆ' â € "original 2009 remix)
- ~ PHANTASM ~ Revival Prophecy as FES (PHANTASM 2nd album)
Dirilis oleh Media Factory pada 21 Desember 2011
- Toki Tsukasadoru Juuni ada Meiyaku ( ????????? ) - Steins; Gerbang - Anime ED -
- Sora to Chijo no Creation ( ?????????? )
- Preghiera ada Tsukiyo ni ( ???????????? ) - Steins; Gerbang - PSP ED -
- Masquerade ~ Noah Daisanshou Retsuou Shinseikihen Yori ~ ( ?????????????? ) - Steins; Gate - tema utama dari Rai - anime Net -
- Kesucian ~ Satsuriku ada Souseiki Shihen Saishuushou Yori ~ ( ???????????? ) - ChÃÆ'¤oS; HEAd Noah - PSP ED -
- Inori ada Violet ( ????????? ) - ChÃÆ'¤oS;? Kepala Cinta Chu Chu -Xbox 360 ED -
- EUPHORIA ~ Tsugunai ada Requiem ~ ( EUPHORIA ????????? ) - Steins; Gate: Hiyoku Renri no Darling -ED -
- Uruwashiki Merayu ( ???????? )
- Bukaku no Rumieso ( ????????? )
- Jade Kaviriere ( ????????????? ) - Chaos;? Kepala Cinta Chu Chu - PSP ED -
- Zaika ni Keiyaku no Chi wo ~ Album Versi Terbatas ~ ( ???????? (???? Limited ???????) ) - ChÃÆ'¤oS; HEAd - sisipkan lagu -
- Nubuatan ~ Gerbang Steiner ~
- Unmei ada Farfalla ( ???????????? ) - Steins; Gerbang - XBOX ED 360 -
Maxi single
- hari perhiasan
Released by LOVEÃÆ' â € "TRAX? Notes on August 27, 2004
- jewelry days - August Fan Box main theme Song
- LoveÃÆ' â € "2? - LOVEÃÆ' â € "Radio main theme
- Jewelry days (instrumental) Song
- LoveÃÆ' â € "2? (instrumental)
- Kono Hana Saku Koro
Released by LOVEÃÆ' â € "TRAX? Note on August 29, 2005
- Kono Hana Saku Koro ( ?????? ) - Piano no Mori no Mankai no Shita opening theme
- Chiru Hana Sakura ??????? - Piano no Mori no Mankai no Shita ending theme
- Kono Hana pocket koro (instrumental)
- Chiru Hana Sakura (instrumental)
- Eternal Destiny
Released by LOVEÃÆ' â € "TRAX? Note on September 30, 2005
- Eternal Destiny - The opening theme of Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro
- Love? Emergency - LOVEÃÆ' â € "Radio main theme
- Eternal Destiny (instrumental)
- Love? Emergency (instrumental)
- Imitation
Released by LOVEÃÆ' â € "TRAX? Recording on April 14, 2006
- Imitation - Theme Opener
- feel - Final Imitation Lover theme
- Imitation (instrumental)
- feel (instrumental)
- Dreams go away! go!
Released by the DreamParty Secretariat on October 13, 2006
- Dreams go away! go! - DreamParty 2 picture track
- Motto, Yume, Miy? !! ( ????????? !! ) - DreamParty drawing songs
- Boku no Sekai ( ?????? ) (short version) - Alpeggio open the theme
- Dreaming away! go! (OffVocal)
- Motto, Yume, Miy? !! (Off)
- Magical? Generation
Released by Media Factory on October 25, 2006
- Magical? Generation ( ???????????? ) - Happiness! ending the theme
- Happiness H? teishiki ( ??????? ) - Happiness! De: Luxe open the theme
- Magical? Generation (inactive)
- Happiness H? teishiki (inactive)
- Again
Released by Star Child on October 25, 2006
- Again - Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru insert a song
- Beautiful day - Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru closing theme
- Again (off)
- Beautiful day (off)
- Long Away
Released by LOVEÃÆ' â € "TRAX? Recording on April 6, 2007
- Remote - Opener Theme opening
- Ai no Uta ( ????? ) - Figurehead main theme
- Far (instrumental)
- Ai no Uta (instrumental)
- Glossy Dreams/Shutters
Released by DreamParty Secretariat on April 29, 2007 (in DreamParty 2007 Spring)/May 4, 2007 (general)
- Premonition Dream - DreamParty 2007 Spring the song art
- Shiny Road - DreamParty 2007 Spring the song art
- Premonition Dream (inactive)
- Glossy road (not active)
- Soshite Boku wa...
Released by Five Records on October 24, 2007
- Soshite Boku wa... ( ?????... ) - Prism Ark (anime) opening theme
- RISE - Prism Ark AWAKE (PS2) ending theme
- Soshite Boku wa... (off)
- STOP (inactive)
Dirilis oleh LOVE ä € "TRAX? Catatan pada 25 Oktober 2007
- SHINING STAR - Itsuka, Todoku, Anosora ni. tema pembuka
- SHINING STAR (instrumental)
- Katayoku no Icarus
Released by a b-fairy note on January 25, 2008
- Katayoku no Icarus ( ??????? , Katayoku no Ikarosu ) - H 2 O: Footprints in Sand opening theme
- Turn on? ( ???????? ) - H 2 O: Footprint in Sand enter the song
- Katayoku no Icarus (off)
- Turn on? (inactive)
- Koisuru Kioku/Negai
Dirilis oleh Geneon Entertainment pada 29 Februari 2008; Single maxi ini berisi lagu oleh Chata.
- Koisuru Kioku ( ????? ) (Yui Sakakibara) - Yotsunoha (OVA) membuka tema
- Negai ??? ) (Chata) - Tema akhir Yotsunoha (OVA)
- Koisuru Kioku (tidak aktif)
- Negai (tidak aktif)
- Koi no Honoo
Released by 5pb. on April 23, 2008
- Koi no Honoo ( ??? ) - Kanokon (anime) ending theme
- Sweet Times - Radio Kanokon ending theme
- Koi no Honoo ( ??? ) (off)
- Sweet Time
- Immediately/Love Rice
Released by Geneon Entertainment on July 23, 2008; This single maxi contains songs by Chata.
- Immediately (Yui Sakakibara) - Yotsunoha: Journey with sincerity opens the theme
- Love Rice ( ????? ) (Chata) - Yotsunoha: A journey towards seriousness /li>
- Immediately (disabled)
- Love Rice (inactive)
- Immediately (GAMEver.) (Yui Sakakibara) - Yotsunoha: A journey to seriousness opens the theme
- Love Rice (Chata) - Yotsunoha: A journey towards seriousness cover theme
- Eien no Koi
Released by 5pb. on September 24, 2008
- Eien no Koi ( ???? ) - Esuii Kanokon ending theme
- Natsu no Inori ( ???? ) - Esuii Kanokon insert a song
- Eien no Koi (off)
- Natsu no Inori (inactive)
- Try it Real!
Released by Geneon Entertainment on October 29, 2008
- Try it Real! - Fate/tiger colosseum theme song
- Try it Real! (off vocal.)
- Try it Real! (fate on the fake mix/MEGA Master Sampling)
- Gessei no Kanon
Released by a b-fairy note on November 26, 2008
- Gessei no Kanon ( ?????? (???) ) - Galaxy Angel II Eig? Kaiki no Toki open the theme
- Unmei no Revolution ( Revolution ) - Galaxy Angel II Eig? Kaiki no Toki enter the song
- Gessei no Kanon (inactive)
- Unmei no Revolution (off vocal)
- Love Island
Released by LOVEÃÆ' â € "TRAX? Records on December 24, 2008; Single maxi is only sold in Comic Toranoana.
- Love Island - 15 Bish? jo Hy? r? ki opened the theme
- chance - 15 Bish? jo Hy? r? ki ends the theme
- Island of Love (instrumental)
- chance (instrumental)
- Tsurugi no Mai
Released by b-fairy note on February 4, 2009
- Tsurugi no Mai ( ??? ) - Mus? T? R? theme song
- Toki o Koete ( ????? ) - Mus? T? R? paste the song
- Tsurugi no Mai (inactive)
- Toki o Koete (off)
- KoigoRoMo/Ultimate Snow
Dirilis oleh Five Records pada 25 Maret 2009
- KoIGoRoMo - Kemeko Deluxe! DS: Yome to Mecha to Otoko to Onna opening theme
- Salju Abadi - Anison Plus membuka tema pada Februari 2009
- KoigoRoMo (tidak aktif)
- Salju Abadi (tidak aktif)
- Marionette
Released by LOVEÃÆ' â € "TRAX? Recording on 25 March 2009
- Marionette - PYGMALION opened the theme
- Haitoku no Waltz ( ?????? )
- Marionette (instrumental)
- Haitoku no Waltz (instrumental)
- DÃÆ' Â © jÃÆ' vu/Silky Rain
Released by 5pb. on March 25, 2009
- DÃÆ'Â © jÃÆ' vu - Hapitora -Happy Transportation - opens the theme
- Silky Rain - Anison Plus opened the theme in June 2009
- DÃÆ'Â © jÃÆ' vu (inactive)
- Silky Rain (not active)
- Nyanderful!/Cross the Rainbow
Released by Five Records on October 21, 2009
- Nyanderful! ( ??????! ) - Nyan Koi! opening theme
- Cross the Rainbow - Nyan Koi! Radio J? K? Rikuj? Bu ending theme
- Nyanderful! (inactive)
- Cross the Rainbow (off)
- Komorebi no Sordino
Released by 5pb. On November 25, 2009
- Komorebi ada Sordino ( ??????????? ) - Kanokon: Manatsu no Dai Shanikusai opens the theme
- Hollow: Akatsuki no Sora ni ( hollow ??????? ) - Akatsuki not Amaneca to Aoi Kyojin open the theme
- Komorebi no Sordino (inactive)
- hollow: Akatsuki no Sora ni (off vocal)
- Happy <=> Lucky X'mas?
Released by LOVEÃÆ' â € "TRAX? Note on December 18, 2009
- Congratulations <=> Lucky X'mas?
- I remember
- Congratulations <=> Lucky X'mas? (instrumental)
- I remember (instrumental)
- ????????
Released by b-fairy note on February 10, 2010
- Contents no Oratorio ( ???????? ) - DS Games Book: Perpetual Period of the Aquarian Period theme song
- Blue Bird Syndrome ( BLUEBIRD ?????? )
- Contents no Oratorio (off)
- Blue Bird Syndrome (inactive)
- Let's start now
Released by LOVEÃÆ' â € "TRAX? Notes as of July 30, 2010
- Let's get started now - Sora o Aogite Kumo Takaku theme song
- I do not want to forget - Sora o Aogite Kumo Takaku closing theme
- Let's start now (instrumental)
- I do not want to forget (instrumental)
- LOVEÃÆ' â € "Quartet 2010
Released by LOVEÃÆ' â € "TRAX? Recording on December 24, 2010
- Again (Quartet Ver.)
- Kono Hana Saku Koro ( ?????? ) (Quartet Ver.)
- Katayoku no Icarus ( ??????? ) (Ver Quartet.)
- Again (violin Ver.)
- Kono Hana Saku Koro (violin Ver.)
- Katayoku no Icarus (violin Ver.)
- Again (Instrumental Quartet)
- Kono Hana Saku Koro (Instrumental Quartet)
- Katayoku no Icarus (Quartet Instrumental)
Video Yui Sakakibara
Maps Yui Sakakibara
External links
- Official website (in Japanese)
- Yui Sakakibara in the Anime News Network encyclopedia
Source of the article : Wikipedia