The inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States marked the commencement of Donald Trump's four-year term as President and Mike Pence as Vice President. An estimated 300,000-600,000 people attended a public ceremony held on Friday, January 20, 2017 at the Western Front of the United States Capitol Building in Washington, DC Along with being the oldest and wealthiest person to become president, he was the first without previous military or government service experience.
This event is the inauguration of the 58th president. The official theme of this event is "Uniquely American". Held in Washington, D.C. from 17 to 21 January 2017, the inaugural event included concerts, inauguration ceremonies, Congress lunches, parades, prime ball, and interfaith interfaith prayer services.
Administered by US Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, the presidential oath was taken by Trump as his first duty after becoming president by day, in accordance with Article Two, Section 1, Clause 8 and the 20th Amendment of the US Constitution, with vice presidential oath taken by Pence and administered by High Court Judge Clarence Thomas immediately preceded it. Trump was sworn in with his left hand on a pair of Bibles, his personal copy and the Lincoln Bible. The inauguration was accompanied by protests around the world.
Video Inauguration of Donald Trump
The inauguration marks the formal peak of President Donald Trump's transition that began when he won the US presidential election on November 8, 2016 and became the elected President. Trump and his partner, Mike Pence, were officially elected by Electoral College on December 19, 2016. The victory was endorsed by the vote count results by a joint session of Congress on January 6, 2017.
After his inauguration, Trump became the first person to become President without previous public sector experience. He is also the oldest person who became president, and also the richest man. His wife, Melania, was only the second lady born outside the United States, after Louisa Adams (of American descent), First Lady of John Quincy Adams when she became president in 1825, and first born in the 1970s.
Maps Inauguration of Donald Trump
The inauguration was planned mainly by two committees: the Joint Congress Committee at the Inauguration Ceremony and the Presidential Inauguration Committee 2017. The elections are scheduled for November 8, 2016, but the congressional committee began building its first platform on 21 September.
A number of artists who were approached to perform were rejected, including Jennifer Holliday who was originally intended to perform, but withdrew from the program after further consideration.
Joint Congress Committee
The inauguration ceremony and the elected President Trump's lunch and the selected Vice President of Pence are planned by the Joint Congress Committee at the Inaugural Event, a committee consisting of United States Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri, chairman of the committee, and the Senate party leaders Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Chuck Schumer of New York, and House Speaker Paul Ryan from Wisconsin and party leader House Kevin McCarthy from California and Nancy Pelosi from California. The Committee is overseen by the US Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.
The Joint Congress Committee at the Inaugural Event chose the inaugural theme, "Uniquely American", a phrase intended to highlight the inaugural ceremony as "a unique American expression of our Constitutional system." The theme is also intended to emphasize a peaceful transition of power, with Americans "united as the man behind an eternal republic", and begging for "Make America Great Again", the slogan of the Trump campaign and one of the main topics of his inaugural address.
The Inauguration Committee released the full schedule of the inaugural January 20 event on December 21, 2016. Military support for the 58th inauguration was coordinated by the Joint Chiefs of the National Capital Territory Task Force, providing military military units, marching bands, color guards, usher, gunshot details, and saluting.
Presidential Inaugural Committee
The Presidential Inaugural Committee of 2017 hosted several other relevant inaugurations in the direction of elected President and elected Vice-President of the United States, such as concerts, parades, balls and prayer services. The chairman of the committee was Thomas J. Barrack Jr., a real estate investor and an old friend of Trump and his ally, and founder, of Colony Capital. The committee chairman is Lewis M. Eisenberg and Roy Bailey. Committee members include the casino king Sheldon Adelson and his wife Miriam, Steve Wynn and Phil Ruffin, oil businessman Harold Hamm, businessman Diane Hendricks, coal producer Joe Craft, Gail Icahn, Carl Icahn's wife, and Woody Johnson, owner of the New York Jets. The committee reported raising more than $ 100 million for the inauguration of donors.
Pre-confirmation events
Diplomat meeting: Global Dinner Chair
On Tuesday, January 17, the elected President of Trump arrives in Washington, DC to attend what is entitled "The Chairman's Global Dinner," a high dinner dinner intended to serve as an introduction between foreign diplomats and the admitted Trump administration. officials and persons appointed. The dinner was a black tie and invitation only, and was described by The Wall Street Journal as the most famous event before the inauguration, with both Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence handling the meeting. The event was held at Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium. Thomas Barrack, the principal organizer of prime activities, described the dinner as "the first fingerprint on the global canvas of social democracy and socialization."
Rex Tillerson, Trump's choice to replace John Kerry as Secretary of State, attended, as well as former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and National Security Advisor - appointed Michael T. Flynn, and Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer, according to reporters. at the event. More than 200 foreign diplomats attended the event from a total of 500 guests. During his speech to the group, Trump praised his choice so far for the position of the Cabinet as well as his Pence choice as Vice President. According to The Boston Globe and Associated Press, the menu includes black cod mustard and filet mignon as appetizers, and baked Alaska for dessert.
People's Voice Concert
In the morning and afternoon of January 19th, a day-long "Voices of the People" public concert was held at the Lincoln Memorial. The concert features The King's Academy (West Palm Beach, Florida) Honor Choir, Republican Hindu Coalition, High Montgomery Margana Division, Marlana Van Hoose, Maury NJROTC Color Guard, Madawaska Pride, Webelos Troop 177, Northern High School Choir, American Tap Company, Everett High School Viking Marching Band, TwirlTasTix Baton Twirling group, and three bagpipe groups.
Arlington National Cemetery wreath ceremony
After returning to New York City, Trump returns to Washington, D.C. on Thursday, January 19, arrives at Andrews Joint Base on a plane flown by the US Air Force.
Trump and Vice President-elect Pence attended lunch at the Trump hotel in the Old Post Office Pavilion, and after that, the official wreath-laying ceremony at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, accompanied by his wife and family. Trump and Pence were escorted by Major General Bradley Becker at the ceremony. The Arlington National Cemetery is the final resting place of more than 400,000, mostly members of the armed forces, Medal of Honor recipients, and high-level political officials.
Making Great America Welcoming Celebration Concert
On the afternoon of January 19th, Trump hosted the "Make America Great Again! Welcome" celebration, a concert for his supporters who attended his inauguration the next day. The concert, held on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, featured performances by Lee Greenwood (featuring "God Bless the USA"), Toby Keith, 3 Doors Down, DJ Ravidrums, The Piano Guys, and The Frontmen of Country (Tim Rushlow), Larry Stewart, and Richie McDonald). Trump speaks to his supporters at the end of the celebration, saying that "forgotten men and forgotten women will not be forgotten again". Actor Jon Voight also spoke at the event, stating, "We have witnessed a series of propaganda that made us all breathless with anticipation, not knowing whether God can turn all negative lies against Mr. Trump, whose sole desire is to make America great again. "The concert closed with fireworks celebrations.
Church Church services and White House acceptance
On the morning of the inauguration, on January 20, after spending the night at the Blair House, the traditional house used by the President was elected due to his proximity to the White House, Trump and his wife Melania and Mike Pence and his wife Karen attended a church worship at St Episcopal Church. John. The tradition dates back to James Madison, with every President since then attending church services the morning of their inauguration. The service was led by Robert Jeffress, a Southern Baptist priest who campaigned for Trump during the election.
After the church service, Trump and his wife went to the White House to meet with President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama. The Obamas welcomes Trump, and Melania presents the couple with a present. They then posed for a photo in front of the White House press corps. The gift presentation is a tradition started by Michelle Obama when she presented George W. Bush and Laura Bush with gifts on the day of her husband's inauguration in 2009. Afterwards, they held a tea reception inside the White House, along with Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, and Mike Pence and his wife, Karen Pence. As per tradition, after a meeting between President and President-elect, they share the President's car limousine, and go to the Capitol for the inaugural ceremony.
Initial event
Roy Blunt commenced an inauguration ceremony at 11:41 am with a warm welcome about the "ordinary and miraculous traditions" of the peaceful transition of power. Three religious leaders delivered their prayers, followed by chorale Missouri State University doing original work, "Now We Belong". After a brief comment, Chuck Schumer ended his speech by asking everyone to attend the inauguration ceremony.
President Barack Obama, former President Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush, and former Vice President Dan Quayle, Dick Cheney and Joe Biden, along with their respective wives, attended the inauguration, including Hillary Clinton, Trump supporters opponents in elections (Clinton is present as a former First Lady, not as a losing candidate). George H. W. Bush and Barbara Bush did not attend the inauguration for health reasons.
At 11:54, Clarence Thomas Court Judge swears in Mike Pence as 48th Vice-President of the United States, with Pence's hand in his personal Bible and Ronald Reagan's Bible, a politician who inspired Pence to join the Republican Party. An appearance of "America the Beautiful" by the Mormon Prosperity Choir followed. During the day Trump became the 45th President of the United States, taking an oath of office with Supreme Court Justice John Roberts. Trump was also inducted into two Bibles, a Bible his mother gave him and a historic Lincoln Bible. After the inauguration, the Marine Band did a "Hail to the Chief" and Trump received the honor of 21 traditional pistols in his honor.
Inaugural address
Trump then delivered 16 minutes of his inaugural address of 1,433 words. The speech was the shortest inaugural address since Jimmy Carter in 1977.
At the end of December 2016, Trump told the visitors that he was writing the first draft of his inaugural address, quoting an earlier inaugural address by John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan as his inspiration. Trump "insisted publicly that he wrote his own speech," though The Wall Street Journal and others reported that it had been written by senior aides Trump, Stephen Miller and Steven Bannon.
The speech cultivated a nationalist and populist tone, with suggestions of absolutism and democratic distrust. The Los Angeles Times describes the address as "a trumped version of the Trump campaign campaign, a nonexclusive special policy and a huge anger on what he defines as a ruling class that has invaded America for its own benefit." Historians and speech writers call the inaugural address as "one of the most unpleasant" in US history, striking a very dark and gloomy record. Former President George W. Bush reportedly called the speech "strange" after the ceremony ended.
Trump promised to end the so-called "American massacre," which describes the United States in dystopian light - as "abandoned factory ground, economic anxiety, rising crime" - while promising "a new era in American politics." "
The fact-finding organizations, such as, PolitiFact, and the Washington Post's "Checking the Facts" note that Trump's portrayal of the United States declining "does not always match reality." The fact-examining organization notes, among other things, that the level of violent US crimes far below its peak in 1991; that the US economy has been getting jobs for 75 months in a row and that unemployment is significantly below its historical average; and participation in US welfare programs has declined.
In his speech, Trump repeated his "American First" campaign slogan in reference to issues of economic policy and abroad. The use of the Trump phrase was controversial because of an association of slogans with US isolationists who opposed the entry of America in World War II. Trump's decision "does not make a strong case for the role of American power in shaping the outside world is a departure from the recent Republican president's inaugural address from Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush," and represents "a sharp pause with the internationalist vision of almost every US president in The last 100 years have been troubling veteran foreign policy experts. "Nevertheless, Trump's theme of foreign policy calls for" many Americans and criticism of Washington's bipartisan foreign policy formation. "
Three religious leaders delivered prayers after Trump's speech, bringing the total number of prayers during the ceremony to six, the record numbers. Reverend Franklin Graham; Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York; Reverend Dr. Samuel Rodriguez; Father Paula White; Rabbi Marvin Hier; and Bishop Wayne T. Jackson gave the blessing. Jackie Evancho closed the ceremony with a US national anthem.
Post-literacy event
After the inauguration ceremony, President Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and Second Mother Karen Pence escorted former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama to a departure ceremony on the eastern side of the US Capitol. The Trumps exchanged thoughts and bid farewell to Obamas at the helicopter base that would transport them to the Andrews Joint Base, and then back to the steps of the Capitol building where they waved when Obama's helicopter took off. Meanwhile, Biden took a limo to Union Station where they took the train to Dover, Delaware. Before lunch and in accordance with tradition, President Trump signed his first presidential order in the Presidential Room on the Capitol, and then signed the guest book for lunch.
Furthermore, Trump signed an order to formally present nominations for his cabinet and several sub-Cabinet officials to the Senate for confirmation. His first bill he signed into law was a waiver of the National Security Act of 1947 given to him that allowed the nomination of Retired General James Mattis to be nominated for the position of US Secretary of Defense. The National Security Act of 1947 required a waiting period of seven years before retired military personnel could serve as Defense Minister. Mattis only became the second Minister of Defense to accept such a waiver, following George Marshall, who served under President Harry S. Truman. Following the tradition, Trump used various warning pens to sign the Cabinet nominations, and distributed them among members of parliament and guests who had gathered. Pens are traditionally given as gifts to politicians or individuals who are touched by the action, or instrumental in their execution.
Trump also signed a proclamation declaring the inauguration of the National Day of Patriotic Devotion. In this he follows Barack Obama, who declares Renewal and National Reconciliation Day, and declarations of patriotic periods previously by former presidents such as Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.
Trump was accompanied by a signing ceremony by his wife, and children, and several of his grandchildren, as well as the chairman of the Inaugural Congressional Inaugural Committee, including Senator Roy Blunt, Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer, and Congressman Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy and Nancy Pelosi. During the ceremony, lawmakers joked with President Trump, he handed pens to the participants (eg, Elaine Chao's pen to Nancy Pelosi, Trump stated, because "they were both girls") and then traded the pen in an offer to give, not as asking to accept (Nancy Pelosi gave Elaine Chao's nominated pen to Chao's husband, Mitch McConnell). Trump and Pences then attended a prime lunch in the US Capitol before traveling from there to the presidential review presidency at the White House to watch the parade.
When former President and Mrs. Obama started their journey for a vacation in California, Trump and Pences joined some congress guests for a prime lunch at the National Statuary Hall in the US Capitol. Guests include top Washington lawmakers as well as former presidents and vice presidents. During the official address at lunch, Trump asked those present to give Hillary Clinton, her opponent during the 2016 election, a standing ovation.
Lunch on the US Capitol has been part of the inaugural program since 1953 (before that time, lunch is usually held at the White House and hosted by the President and First Lady who will be out). The menu for the inaugural 2017 lunch, which in the past often features dishes representing the state of the new President and Vice President's house, including more traditional dishes from around the country. The first courses consist of Maine lobster and Bay shrimp with saffron sauce and crushed beans, accompanied by J. Lohr 2013 Arroyo Vista Chardonnay. The second course contains Seven Hills Angus beef in dark chocolate and juniper juice with gratin potatoes, served with Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, and desserts including chocolate souffle and vanilla vanilla ice cream with California Champagne. Since 1985, a painting has become the background for the main desk. For the inaugural lunch of 2017, the painting featured is George Caleb Bingham's The Putdict of the People, depicting a city in Missouri and its citizens celebrating and winning over the election victory of what the historian says is a prospective prosila.
After lunch, Trump, Pence, and their wives review the honor guard troops on the Eastern Front of the US Capitol before starting the parade. The first march route ran along Pennsylvania Avenue, NW of the US Capitol, ending north of the White House. During most of the marches, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump traveled with steel-lined limousines used by the President due to potential security threats. The President and First Lady stepped out of their limousine twice, walking on Pennsylvania Avenue for parts of the parade, old habits. Vice President Pence and his wife Karen walk the parade route at some point with their children as well.
The march lasted about two hours during the afternoon and evening after the inaugural ceremony. Participants of the parade include over 8,000 people, "representing forty organizations including high school marching bands and universities, horsemen corps, first responders, and veteran groups," according to the Inaugural Committee of the Congressional Congress. Every branch of the US military is also represented.
Vice President Mike Pence invited groups from Indiana to march in a march in Indiana, including the Metropolitan Police Department of Indianapolis, Culver Military Academy, and Columbus High High School gym games from Pence, Columbus, Indiana. Shortly after the march, Trump went to the Oval Office to sign his first executive order as president, including an order to begin the process of dismantling the Affordable Care Act.
Initial ball
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump attended three official ball launches during the night of January 20, 2017, entitled "Freedom and Freedom: The Official Inaugural Balls." Donald Trump wore a classic black tuxedo, with a white button-up shirt, and a black butterfly tie, in keeping with tradition. Melania Trump wore a white, sleeveless, sleeveless dress designed by French-American fashion designer HervÃÆ' Â © Pierre. Pierre also designed the dress for First Ladies Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama, and he has been a styling for Melania Trump for several years. The dress featured a frontal crack, random accent and a thin red belt to reach the waist.
The Liberty Ball, one of two official balls held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, was the first stop of the night for the President and First Lady. The Trumps danced for their first song, chosen to be "My Way" by Frank Sinatra, and performed by Erin Boheme, an American jazz singer. In an effort to allow more access to the inaugural ball, the Presidential Inaugural Committee announced that it intends to make the most affordable inaugural ball in history, offering $ 50 tickets to Liberty or Freedom Balls. The second ball that Trump attended was the Freedom Ball, which was also held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, and also featured the first dance to "My Way", as did the Liberty Ball.
The third ball that the President and First Lady attended was Salute To Our Armed Services Ball, which took place at the National Building Museum. The ball is only by invitation, with free tickets provided for "active duties and military reserves, Medal of Honor recipients, wounded soldiers, military families, veterans, and first responders," according to the Presidential Inauguration Committee. At the beginning of the party, Trump and his wife, Melania, speak to the gathering crowd, and then talk via satellite with active duty soldiers at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan. Trump thanked the active soldiers for congratulating him on his inauguration as Supreme Commander. Tony Orlando and Josh Weathers Band performed at Armed Services Ball.
It is a tradition for the President and First Lady, and Vice President and Second Woman, to dance with members of the military service during the Armed Services Ball. A cover of the song "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston performed during the dance party. President Trump danced with US Navy 2nd Class Catherine Cartmell from Newport, Rhode Island. Sergeant Angel Rodriguez, who danced with Second Lady Karen Pence, drew attention to her dance style, spun the Second Lady, which provoked the laughter of Tiffany and Eric Trump. After the dance ended, President Trump and Vice President Pence used a sword to cut ceremonial military cakes to honor the sacrifice and service of members of the Armed Forces.
Prayer service
On January 21, President Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Vice President of Pence, and Second Mother Karen Pence gathered at Washington National Cathedral for a national day of prayer, a tradition that began with the first President, George Washington. Among parishioners there are more than two dozen religious leaders from different religions. Marlana VanHoose, a 20-year-old vocalist born with cytomegalovirus, performed at the ceremony, singing "How Great Thou Art". Melania Trump looked emotional during the show, and led a standing ovation for her after she finished performing. The service begins with a call to prayer by Rev. Rosemarie Duncan, Mikhail Manevich, a Jewish singer, and Mohamed Magid, a Muslim priest. The pastor speaks of compassion and diversity.
Crowd size
Prior to the event, federal and local agencies estimated the turnout between 700,000 and 900,000. Trump predicted his inauguration had "a tremendous possibility, perhaps a record-setting record."
The US Park Service does not publicize people's estimates of events at the National Mall. Overhead image and statistics on public transport passengers from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), which operates Metrorail, are used to estimate the size of the crowd.
WMATA reported that 193,000 passengers boarded the Metro before 11 am on the day of Trump's inauguration, and 570,557 passengers throughout the day, noting that it was lower than the average passenger on weekdays of 639,000 passengers. USA Today reports the "significant number" of empty seats along the parade route.
The crowd counting experts quoted by The New York Times estimated that around 160,000 people were in the National Mall area in the hours leading up to Trump's speech. Science professor Crowd Keith Still estimates total attendance at 300,000 to 600,000 people, or one-third estimated 1.1 million to 1.8 million people attending the 2009 Obama inauguration - which sets a record for the number of people at the National Mall at one given time, and who marking the inauguration of the nation's first African American president. The Washington Post quotes 600,000. CNN provides a gigapixel panorama in the area.
Nielsen's ratings show that TV viewing from the US inauguration is 30.6 million, more than Obama's second inauguration in 2013 (20.6 million), but less than Obama's first inauguration in 2009 (38 million) and Reagan's first in 1981 ( 42 million). Trump's inauguration became the most widely broadcasted Twitter video over the long history of the site's decade with more than 6.8 million views.
Administration response
In a press conference on Jan. 21, Sean Spicer, the White House Press Secretary of Trump, stated that the audience "is the largest audience ever to witness the inauguration, the period, both personally and worldwide", and accused the media of reporting a crowd predicting to "reduce enthusiasm inauguration". Spicer also stated that 420,000 people drove Metro on the day of Trump's inauguration, and only 317,000 were up on Obama's day. In fact, 570,557 Metro trips were taken on the day of Trump's inauguration, compared with 1.1 million on Obama's inauguration day 2009 and 782,000 on Obama's inauguration day of 2013. The 11 am- respectively.
Many sources highlight the fact that Spicer's statement is wrong, and many have accused him of deliberately misstating numbers. In response, counselor and spokesperson Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway, in an interview with NBC Chuck Todd, stated that Spicer presents only "alternative facts". Todd replied by saying "alternative facts are not facts, they are falsehoods."
On January 23, Spicer acknowledged his mistake about WMATA's rider rate, stating that he relied on statistics given to him, but he remained with his claim that the inauguration was the most viewed, stating he also included online viewing in addition to in-person and television in his estimates. Spicer's claim to the biggest audience ever shown is inaccurate because Nielsen reports 30.6 million viewers in 12 networks while Obama has 37.8 million and Ronald Reagan 41.8 million. As for the online viewers, Spicer himself quotes the 16.9 million livestreams number provided by CNN. However, CNN served nearly 27 million streams in 2009 for Obama's inauguration.
The incoming administration briefly closed the Department of Home Affairs Twitter account. The official National Park Service Twitter account has tweeted two Tweets about "negligence on policy areas" on the White House website and the size of the Trump and Obama crowds. An NPS spokesman issued an apology for "RT erroneously."
On the morning after the inauguration, Trump called the acting National Park Service director Michael T. Reynolds and personally directed him to produce additional aerial photographs of the Inaugural Day crowd. Reynolds and Park Service adhere to directives; additional photographs, however, "do not prove Trump's view that the crowd size reaches 1 million."
Protests and demonstrations
In mid-December, there were 20 requests for a demonstration permit for the inauguration of Donald J. Trump, including Bikers for Trump, and March Woman in Washington, scheduled for the day after the inauguration of the day. Supported by nearly 200 activist and organization groups, drawing about three times more participants at the inauguration, March Women show racial and gender equality, affordable health care, abortion rights and voting rights.
The protests occurred during the inauguration ceremony in Washington, D.C. Most of the protesters, several thousand of them all, are peaceful. DisruptJ20 demonstrators connect weapons at security checkpoints and attempt to close them. Some elements of the protesters are black block groups and self-described anarchists, and engage in vandalism, riots, and sporadic violence. At least 217 were arrested and six police officers suffered minor injuries, and at least one person was injured. In December 2017, the first six persons to be tried in connection with the January 20 event were released by a jury of all charges. Twenty other defendants pleaded guilty and prosecutors dropped the case against 20 others. In January 2018, prosecutors dropped charges against 129 other defendants.
67 US Democratic Representatives refused to attend Trump's inauguration, citing "what they describe as alarming and divisive policies, foreign interference in its election and criticism of the civil rights icon John Lewis, a congressman from Georgia". Of the 67 boycotts, almost all of them come from the congressional districts won by Hillary Clinton; many of the safe Democratic seats.
Views Count
There are 16.63 million viewers of Trump taking oath of office and giving his inaugural address to three major cable news networks Fox, CNN and MSNBC. The number of viewers for Obama in 2009 is more at 17.06 million and in 2013 less than 6.73 million. According to Nielsen's data, there were 30,640,000 people who saw Trump's inauguration on 12 networks covering it directly. The number of viewers for Obama's inauguration on 18 networks covering it directly is over 37.8 million. At the inauguration of Obama in 2013, the number is less than 20.55 million.
Sumber: Adweek
The inaugural committee raised an unprecedented $ 107 million and on September 26, 2017 announced the contribution of their first charity. Officials said they planned to give $ 3 million to three separate storm rescue organizations.
See also
External links
- Official website
- 2017 Presidential Inauguration at
- Washington Military District - Inauguration of the 58th President
- Intradest Address Address Text
- (January 20, 2017). "Inauguration of the 45th President of the United States" . Retrieved February 2, 2017 - via YouTube.
- Guardian Wires (January 21, 2017). "Donald Trump's inauguration day" . Retrieved February 2, 2017 - via YouTube. (Feed Pool Press)
- Coverage by C-SPAN
Source of the article : Wikipedia