Trafficking in persons is human trafficking for the purpose of forced labor, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for traders or others. This may include providing a partner in the context of forced marriage, or the taking of organs or tissues, including for the replacement of the uterus and ovarian egg. Trafficking can occur in a country or trans-national. Trafficking in persons is a crime against the person for violating the rights of victims of the movement through coercion and because of their commercial exploitation. Trafficking is human trafficking, especially women and children, and does not necessarily involve the movement of people from one place to another.
According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), forced labor (one component of human trafficking) generates about $ 150 billion in profit per year by 2014. By 2012, the ILO estimates that 21 million victims are trapped in modern slavery. Of these, 14.2 million (68%) were exploited for labor, 4.5 million (22%) sexually exploited, and 2.2 million (10%) were exploited in forced labor by the state.
Human trafficking is considered one of the fastest growing trans-national criminal organizations.
Human trafficking is condemned as a violation of human rights by international conventions. In addition, human trafficking is subject to direction in the European Union.
Video Human trafficking
Although trafficking can occur at the local or domestic level, it has international implications, as recognized by the United Nations in the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children (also referred to as the Trafficking Protocol > or Palermo Protocol ), an international treaty under the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (CTOC) which came into force on December 25, 2003. This Protocol is one of three that complements CTOC. The Trafficking Protocol is the first legally binding global instrument for trade in more than half a century, and the only one with an agreed definition of human trafficking. One of its aims is to facilitate international cooperation in investigating and prosecuting such trades. Another is to protect and assist victims of trafficking in persons with full respect for their rights as established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Trafficking Protocol , which now has 173 parties, defines human trafficking as:
(a) [...] recruitment, transportation, transfer, storage or receiving of persons, by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, fraud, abuse of power or from positions of vulnerability or grant or receipt of payments or benefits to reaching the consent of someone who has control over others, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or displacement, manipulation or implantation of organs;
(B) The consent of a victim of trafficking in persons for the intended exploitation referred to in subparagraph (a) of this article shall become irrelevant where one of the means set forth in subparagraph (a) has been used;
(c) Recruitment, transportation, transfer, concealment or acceptance of a child for the purpose of exploitation shall be deemed "trafficking in persons" even if this does not involve any of the means set forth in subparagraph (a) of this. article;
(D) "Child" means any person under the age of eighteen.
In 2014, the International Labor Organization estimates $ 150 billion in annual profits resulting from forced labor alone.
The current average cost of trafficking victims is USD $ 90 while the average slave in 1800 Americans is worth the equivalent of USD $ 40,000.
Use of the term
Trafficking is different from human smuggling, involving someone who voluntarily asks or hires others to secretly transport them across international borders, usually because smuggled people are denied entry into a country through legal channels. Although illegal, there may be no fraud or coercion involved. After entering the country and arriving at their final destination, smugglers are usually free to find their own way. According to the International Center for the Development of Migration Policy (ICMPD), human smuggling is a violation of the national immigration laws of the destination country, and does not require infringement of the rights of smuggled persons. Trafficking, on the other hand, is a crime against a person for violating the rights of victims through coercion and exploitation. Unlike most cases of human smuggling, trafficking victims are not allowed to leave once they arrive at their destination.
Although smuggling requires travel, no trade. The trafficked persons are confronted against their will by coercion, and are forced to work for or provide services to merchants or others. Jobs or services may include anything from forced labor or are bound to commercial sexual exploitation. These arrangements may be structured as contracts of employment, but without low payments or, or on highly exploitative terms. Sometimes these arrangements are arranged as debt bonds, with victims not allowed or able to pay off debts.
Tied labor , or debt bondage, is probably the most unknown form of labor trade today, and is the most widely used method of enslaving people. Victims become "tied up" when their labor, the labor they rent themselves and the real goods they buy are required as a means of repayment for the loan or service whose terms and conditions have not been established, or where the victims' value of the service is not applied to liquidation debt. Generally, the value of their work is greater than the amount of "borrowed" original money.
Forced labor is a situation where victims are forced to work against their own will under threat of violence or some other form of punishment; their freedom is limited and the degree of ownership is given. Men are at risk of being trafficked because of unskilled jobs, globally generating 31 billion USD according to the International Labor Organization. Forced labor may include domestic helpers, farm workers, sweatshop workers, janitor, food service and other service industry workers, and begging. Some of the products that can be produced by forced labor are: clothing, cocoa, bricks, coffee, cotton, and gold.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the largest global service provider for trafficking victims, reported receiving an increase in the number of cases in which victims were subjected to forced labor. A 2012 study observed that "... 2010 is well known as the first year in which IOM is helping more victims of trafficking in persons than those trafficked for sexual exploitation."
Child labor is a form of work that may be harmful to the physical, mental, spiritual, moral, or social development of children and may interfere with their education. According to the International Labor Organization, the number of global children who have been involved in child labor has declined over the last decade - has fallen by a third, from 246 million in 2000 to 168 million children by 2012. Sub-Saharan Africa is the region with the highest incidence of child labor, the largest number of child laborers found in Asia and the Pacific.
Maps Human trafficking
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has assisted many non-governmental organizations in their fight against human trafficking. The 2006 armed conflict in Lebanon, which left 300,000 domestic workers from Sri Lanka, Ethiopia and the Philippines unemployed and targeted by traders, led an emergency information campaign with Caritas Migrant NGOs to raise awareness of trafficking. In addition, the April 2006 report, People Trafficking: Global Pattern, helps identify 127 countries of origin, 98 transit countries and 137 destination countries for human trafficking. To date, this is the most frequently downloaded UNODC report. Continuing into 2007, UNODC supports initiatives such as the Community Awareness project along the border between India and Nepal, and subsidizes foreign trade campaigns in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. Public service announcements also prove useful for organizations that fight human trafficking. In addition to many other efforts, UNODC works to broadcast this announcement on local television and radio stations around the world. By providing regular access to information about trafficking, individuals are taught how to protect themselves and their families from being exploited.
The United Nations Global Initiative to Combat Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) is structured to promote the global struggle for human trafficking, based on the international agreement reached at the United Nations. UN.GIFT was launched in March 2007 by UNODC with a grant made on behalf of the United Arab Emirates. It is managed in collaboration with the International Labor Organization (ILO); International Organization for Migration (IOM); United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF); Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
In UN.GIFT, UNODC launched a study to collect primary data on the national response to trafficking across the world. This exercise resulted in the publication of the Global Report on Trafficking in February 2009. The report collects official information for 155 countries and territories in the legal and institutional framework, criminal justice response and victim assistance services. UN.GIFT works with all stakeholders - government, business, academia, civil society and the media - to support each other's work, create new partnerships, and develop effective tools to combat trafficking.
The Global Initiative is based on a simple principle: human trafficking is such a crime and cruelty that can not be dealt with successfully by any government. This global problem requires a global multi-stakeholder strategy built on national efforts around the world. To pave the way for this strategy, stakeholders should coordinate ongoing efforts, increase knowledge and awareness, provide technical assistance, promote effective rights-based responses, build country capacity and non-state stakeholders, foster partnerships for joint action, and above all, make sure everyone is responsible for this fight. By encouraging and facilitating collaboration and coordination, UN.GIFT aims to create synergies between anti-trafficking activities of UN agencies, international organizations and other stakeholders to develop the most efficient and cost-effective tools and best practices. UN.GIFT aims to mobilize state and non-state actors to combat trafficking by reducing the vulnerability of potential victims and requests for exploitation in all its forms, ensuring adequate protection and support to those who are victims , and support the efficient prosecution of the criminals involved, while respecting everyone's fundamental human rights. In carrying out its mission, UN.GIFT will enhance knowledge and awareness about human trafficking, promote effective rights-based responses, build capacity of state and non-state actors, and foster partnerships for collective action against trafficking. For more information see UN.GIFT Progress Report 2009. UNODC's efforts to motivate action launched the Blue Heart Campaign on Trafficking in Persons on March 6, 2009, which Mexico launched its own national version in April 2010. This campaign encourages people to show solidarity with victims of trafficking humans using blue hearts, similar to how wearing red tape increases transnational HIV/AIDS awareness. On 4 November 2010, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon launched the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons to provide humanitarian, legal and financial assistance to trafficking victims in order to increase the number of people being saved and supported, which they received.
In December 2012, UNODC published a new edition of Global Report on Trafficking in Persons. Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2012 has revealed that 27 percent of all human trafficking victims detected globally between 2007 and 2010 are children, up 7 percent from 2003 to 2006.
The Global Report records the victims of 136 different nationalities detected in 118 countries between 2007 and 2010, during that period, 460 different streams have been identified. About half of human trafficking takes place in the same region as 27 percent occurs within national borders. One exception is the Middle East, where most of the victims detected are East and South Asia. Human trafficking victims from East Asia have been detected in more than 60 countries, making them the most geographically dispersed group worldwide. There are significant regional differences in the form of exploitation detected. Countries in Africa and Asia generally intercept more trade cases for forced labor, while sexual exploitation is somewhat more common in Europe and in America. In addition, trading for organ removal was detected in 16 countries around the world. The report raises concerns about the low level of confidence - 16 percent of countries reporting no single confidence in trafficking between 2007 and 2010. As of February 2018, 173 countries have ratified the United Nations Protocol on Trafficking in Persons, of which UNODC is the guardian. Significant progress has been made in terms of legislation: by 2012, 83 percent of countries have laws that criminalize human trafficking under the Protocol.
Current international agreement (general)
- Additional Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, enacted in 1957
- Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children
- Protocol against Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air
- Optional Protocol on Child Sales, Child Prostitution, and Child Pornography
- ILO Forced Labor Convention, 1930 (No. 29)
- ILO Convention on the Abolition of Forced Labor, 1957 (No. 105)
- ILO Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138)
- ILO Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labor, 1999 (No. 182)
United States
In 2002, Derek Ellerman and Katherine Chon established a non-governmental organization called the Polaris Project to combat human trafficking. In 2007, Polaris instituted the National Human Trafficking Source Center (NHTRC) where callers can report tips and receive information about trafficking. Polaris websites and hotlines inform the public about where allegations of trafficking have occurred in the United States. The website records the call on the map.
In 2007, the US Senate appointed January 11 as the National Day of Trafficking in Human Awareness in an effort to raise awareness about this global, national and local issue. In 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, President Barack Obama proclaimed January as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention. Along with this initiative libraries across the United States are beginning to contribute to the awareness of human trafficking. Slowly, the library turned into an educational center for those unaware of the problem. They collaborate with other organizations to train staff members to see trafficking victims and find ways to help them.
In 2014, DARPA funds the Memex program with the explicit goal of combating human trafficking through domain-specific searches. Advanced search capacity, including its ability to reach the dark web has enabled the prosecution of trafficking cases, although they can be difficult to prosecute due to the fraudulent tactics of traffickers.
Due to its size and access to its large airports, Atlanta, Georgia is known as a trading hub in the United States. A study of 2014 by the Urban Institute shows that some traders, or "pimps", in Atlanta earned $ 32,000 within a week.
European Council
On 3 May 2005, the Committee of Ministers adopted the Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Persons (CETS No. 197). The Convention was opened for signature in Warsaw on 16 May 2005 on the occasion of the 3rd Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe. On 24 October 2007, the Convention received its tenth ratification so as to trigger a process in which it took effect on 1 February 2008. In June 2017, the Convention was ratified by 47 states (including Belarus, a non-Councilary State), with Russia the only countries that are not ratified (or signed).
While other international instruments already exist in this area, the Council of Europe Convention, the first European treaty in this field, is a comprehensive agreement that primarily focuses on the protection of trafficking victims and the protection of their rights. It also aims to prevent trade and to prosecute traders. In addition, the Convention provides for the setting up of an effective and independent monitoring mechanism capable of controlling the implementation of the obligations contained in the Convention.
This Convention is not limited to the member states of the Council of Europe; non-member countries and the EU also have the possibility of becoming Parties to the Convention. In 2013 Belarus became the first non-Council of Europe member to adopt the Convention.
The Convention established the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Persons (GRETA) that monitors the implementation of the Convention through state reports. Since March 1, 2013, GRETA has published 17 country reports.
Complementary protection against child sex trafficking is guaranteed through the Council of Europe's Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Harassment (signed in Lanzarote, 25 October 2007). The Convention entered into force on 1 July 2010. Since September 2017, the Convention has been ratified by 42 states, with 5 other countries having signed but not yet ratified.
In addition, the European Court of Human Rights of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg has issued an assessment of trafficking in violation of obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights: Siliadin v. France, the ruling of July 26, 2005, and Rantsev v. Cyprus and Russia, the decision of 7 January 2010.
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
In 2003, the OSCE established an anti-trafficking mechanism aimed at raising public awareness of the problem and building political will in the participating countries to address it effectively.
The OSCE action against human trafficking is coordinated by the Office of Special Representatives to Fight the Traffic of Human Beings. In January 2010, Maria Grazia Giammarinaro became Special Representative and Special Coordinator for Combating Trafficking in Persons. Dr Giammarinaro (Italy) has been a judge in the Rome Criminal Court since 1991. He served from 2006 to 2009 at the Directorate General of the Commission on Justice, Liberty and Security in Brussels, where he was responsible for the work to fight against humans. trafficking and sexual exploitation of children, as well as aspects of illegal immigration law within units dealing with the fight against organized crime. During this time, he co-ordinates the Human Trafficking Experts Group at the European Commission. From 2001 to 2006 he was judge for an initial investigation in the Rome Criminal Court. Prior to that, from 1996 he was Head of the Legislative and Advisory Office of the Minister of Equal Opportunities. From 2006 to December 2009 the office was led by Eva Biaudet, a former Member of Parliament and Minister of Health and Social Services in his native Finland.
The activities of the Special Representative Office range from training law enforcement agencies to deal with human trafficking to promote policies aimed at combating corruption and organized crime. Special Representatives also visit countries and may, at their request, support the establishment and implementation of their anti-trafficking policies. In other cases, the Special Representative provides advice on the implementation of decisions on trafficking, and helps governments, ministers and officials to achieve their stated objectives in dealing with trafficking.
Portal of Human Trafficking India
In India, trafficking in persons for commercial sexual exploitation, forced labor, forced marriage, and domestic enslavement are considered organized crime. The Government of India implements the Criminal Act (Amendment) Act 2013, active from 3 February 2013, as well as Section 370 and 370A IPC, which defines human trafficking and "provides strict punishment for trafficking, trafficking of children for exploitation in any form including physical exploitation, or any form of sexual exploitation, slavery, servitude or forcible transfer of organs. "In addition, the Regional Task Force implements the SAARC Convention on the Prevention of Trafficking of Women and Children.
Shri R.P.N. Singh, Minister of Internal Affairs of India, launched a government web portal, Portal Anti Trafficking, on February 20, 2014. The official statement explains that the goal of on-line resources is to "share information across all stakeholders." Territories] and civil society organizations for effective implementation of Anti-Trafficking Steps. "The main objectives of the portal are:
- Help in case tracking with inter-country consequences.
- Provide comprehensive information on laws, statistics, court decisions, the United Nations Convention, details of trafficked persons and merchants and rescue success stories.
- Provides connection to "Trackchild", National Portal for Missing Children operating in many states.
Also on February 20, the Indian government announced the adoption of a Comprehensive Scheme involving the establishment of an Integrated Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) in 335 fragile police districts across India, as well as capacity building that includes training for police, prosecutors and the judiciary. At the time of the announcement, 225 Integrated AHTUs were in operation, while another 100 AHTUs were proposed for the forthcoming financial year.
Index of Anti-Trafficking Policies
The '3P Index of Human Trafficking Policy' measures the effectiveness of government policies to combat trafficking based on the evaluation of policy requirements set by the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children (2000).
The policy level is evaluated using a five-point scale, where a score of five indicates best policy practice, while score 1 is the worst. This scale is used to analyze three major areas of anti-trafficking policy: (i) prosecuting (criminalizing) merchants, (ii) protecting victims, and (iii) preventing trafficking in persons. Each sub-index of prosecution, protection and prevention is aggregated to an unbalanced overall index, with an overall index ranging from a score of 3 (worst) to 15 (best). It is available for up to 177 countries over the period 2000-2009 (every year).
Index results indicate that anti-trafficking policies have increased overall over the period 2000-2009. Improvement is the most prevalent in the world of prosecution and prevention. Exceptions are protection policies, which show a modest decline in recent years.
In 2009 (the last year of evaluation), seven countries demonstrated the highest possible performance in policy for all three dimensions (overall score 15). These countries are Germany, Australia, the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Sweden and the United States. The second best performing group (overall score 14) consists of France, Norway, South Korea, Croatia, Canada, Austria, Slovenia, and Nigeria. The country with the worst performance in 2009 was North Korea, receiving the lowest score in all dimensions (overall score 3), followed by Somalia. For more information, see the Human Trafficking Research and Measurement website.
Religious statements
In 2014, for the first time in the history of major leaders of many religions, Buddhists, Anglican, Catholic, and Orthodox Christians, Hindus, Jews, and Muslims, met to sign joint commitments against modern-day slavery; the declaration they signed for the abolition of the abolition of human slavery and trafficking by 2020. Its signatories are: Pope Francis, M? t? Am? T? Nandamay? (Also known as Amma), Bhikkhuni Thich Nu ChÃÆ'Â ¢ n KhÃÆ''ng (representing Guru Zen ThÃÆ'ch Nh? T H? Nh), Datuk K Sri Dhammaratana, Chief Imam of Malaysia, Rabbi Abraham Skorka, Rabbi David Rosen, Abbas Abdalla Abbas Soliman, Deputy Foreign Minister Al Azhar Alsharif (representing Mohamed Ahmed El-Tayeb, High Priest of Al-Azhar), Great Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi al-Modarresi, Syeikh Naziyah Razzaq Jaafar, Special Advisor Ayatullah Agung (representing Ayatullah Agung Sheikh Basheer Hussain al Najafi) , Sheikh Omar Abboud, Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Metropolitan Emmanuel of France (representing the Patriarch of Ecumenical Bartholomew.)
People anti-trafficking initiatives
One of the most active organizations in anti-trafficking is the United Nations. In early 2016, the Republic of Kazakhstan's Permanent Mission to the UN held an interactive discussion entitled "Responding to Current Challenges in Trafficking in Persons".
One of the efforts being made to combat human trafficking is an app called TraffickCam. This app is created by the Exchange Initiative and researchers at Washington University. TraffckCam was launched on June 20, 2016 and allows anyone to take photos of their hotel rooms, which are then uploaded to a large database of hotel images. Because human trafficking victims are often found in hotel rooms for online advertising, law enforcement and investigators can use these photos to help find and prosecute merchants.
Awareness campaigns and anti-trafficking fundraising are an important part of anti-trafficking initiatives. The 24 Hour Race is one of the initiatives that focuses on raising awareness among high school students in Asia. The Blue Campaign is another anti-trafficking initiative working with the US Department of Homeland Security to combat trafficking and bring freedom to exploit victims.
Grup Rentan
The Trafficking in Persons Report released in June 2016 states that "displaced and migrant, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) individuals, religious minorities, persons with disabilities and non-citizens" are the most at risk for human trafficking. Governments best protect victims from exploitation when the needs of vulnerable populations are understood. In addition, in the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, the UN notes that women and children are at great risk to trafficking and revictimization. The Protocol requires States parties not only to enact measures that prevent trafficking but also to address factors that exacerbate the vulnerability of women and children, including "poverty, underdevelopment and lack of equal opportunity."
Children trafficking
Children's trafficking involves the recruitment, transportation, transfer, concealment or acceptance of children for the purpose of exploiting commercial sexual exploitation of children may take many forms, including forcing a child into prostitution or other forms of child sexual activity or pornography. Child exploitation may also involve forced or servile labor, slavery or practices similar to slavery, slavery, organ transplants, illicit international adoption, trafficking for early marriage, recruitment as child soldiers, for use in begging or as athletes (such as camels jockey boy or soccer player).
IOM statistics show that a significant minority (35%) of assisted trafficked persons in 2011 was under 18 years of age, which is approximately consistent with estimates from previous years. It was reported in 2010 that Thailand and Brazil are considered to have the worst child sex trade record.
Child traffickers can take advantage of extreme poverty of the elderly. Parents can sell children to merchants to pay debts or earn income, or they may be fooled about the prospects of training and a better life for their children. They can sell their children into labor, sex trafficking, or illegal adoption.
The adoption process, legal and illegal, when abused sometimes can lead to cases of trafficking of babies and pregnant women from developing countries to the West. In David M. Smolin's paper on child trafficking and the adoption scandal between India and the United States, he presents systemic vulnerabilities in an inter-country adoption system that makes predictable adoption scandals.
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Article 34, states, "States Parties undertake to protect the child from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual harassment". In the EU, commercial sexual exploitation of children is subject to Directive 2011/92/EU Directive of the European Parliament and Council of 13 December 2011 on the fight against sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of child and child pornography.
The Hague Convention on Child Protection and Cooperation in Respecting the Inter-States Adoption (or the Hague Adoption Convention) is an international convention relating to international adoption, aimed at preventing child laundering, child trafficking, and other offenses related to international adoption.
The Optional Protocol on Children's Involvement in Armed Conflict seeks to prevent the recruitment of strong (eg by guerrilla forces) of children for use in armed conflict.
Sex trafficking
The International Labor Organization claims that the sex trade affects 4.5 million people worldwide. Most victims find themselves in coercive or abusive situations that escape difficult and dangerous.
Trafficking for sexual exploitation was previously regarded as an organized movement of people, usually women, between countries and within countries for sex work with the use of physical coercion, fraud and slavery through forced debt. However, the Human Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (US), does not require a motion for offenses. The problem becomes controversial when elements of coercion are removed from the definition to include facilitation of consensual involvement in prostitution. For example, in the UK, the 2003 Sexual Assault Act incorporates trafficking for sexual exploitation but does not require them to commit offenses for using coercion, fraud or coercion, so it also includes people who enter the UK to engage in sex work with the consent of being "trafficked." In addition, any person engaged in commercial sex acts in the US while under the age of 18 qualifies as a victim of trafficking, even if no force, fraud or coercion is involved, under the definition of "Heavy Trafficking Forms" in the Act - Invite the Victim Protection of European Trade in 2000.
Sexual trafficking involves coercion of migrants into sexual acts as a condition of allowing or regulating migration. Sexual trafficking uses physical or sexual coercion, fraud, abuse of power and enslavement generated through forced debt. Trafficked women and children, for example, are often promised to work in domestic industries or services, but are sometimes sometimes taken to brothels where they are asked to do sex work, while passports and other identification letters are confiscated. They may be beaten or locked and promised their freedom only after getting - through prostitution - their purchase price, as well as their travel and visa expenses.
Forced marriage
Forced marriage is a marriage in which one or both participants are married without free consent. Adult Marriage is defined as a marriage involving a person who is sold, transferred or inherited into the marriage. According to ECPAT, "The trafficking of children for forced marriage is merely another manifestation of trade and not limited to certain countries or countries".
Forced marriages qualify as a form of trafficking in a particular situation. If a woman is sent overseas, forced to marry and then repeatedly forced to commit sexual behavior with her new husband, her experience is that sex trade. If the bride is treated as a maid by her new husband and/or her family, then this is the form of labor trade.
Labor trade
Trade trade is the movement of people for the purpose of forced labor and services. This may involve bonded work, forced servitude, domestic help, and child labor. Labor trade is most common in the domains of domestic work, agriculture, construction, manufacturing and entertainment; and migrant workers and indigenous people are particularly at risk of becoming victims. Human smuggling operations are also known for people's traffic for the exploitation of their labor, for example, as a transporter.
Trading for organ trafficking
Organ trafficking is a form of trafficking. It can take a different shape. In some cases, the victim is forced to submit an organ. In other cases, the victim agrees to sell the organs in exchange of money/goods, but is not paid (or paid less). Finally, the victim may have an organs removed without the victim's knowledge (usually when the victim is being treated for other medical problems/illnesses - a real or controlled problem or illness). Migrant workers, homeless people, and illiterates are especially vulnerable to this form of exploitation. Organ trafficking is an organized crime, involving multiple actors:
- recruiters
- carrier
- medical staff
- intermediary/contractor
- buyers
Trading for organ trafficking often looks for kidneys. Organ trafficking is a lucrative trade because in many countries waiting lists for patients who require very long transplantation.
There are many different estimates of the size of trafficking and the sex trade industry. According to scholar Kevin Bales, author of Disposable People (2004), estimates that as many as 27 million people are in "modern slavery" around the world. In 2008, the US State Department estimated that 2 million children were exploited by global commercial sex trade. In the same year, a study classified 12.3 million people worldwide as "forced labor, contract-bound workers or victims of the sex trade." About 1.39 million of these people work as commercial sex slaves, with women and girls comprising 98% of the 1.36 million.
The enactment of the Trafficking Victims and Violence Protection Act (TVPA) in 2000 by the United States Congress and re-authorization subsequently established the Department of State Offices to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, involving foreign governments to combat trafficking and publishing the Trafficking in Persons Report every year. The Trafficking in Persons Report evaluates each country's progress in anti-trafficking and puts each country into one of three levels based on their government's efforts to comply with minimum standards for trade abolition as determined by TVPA. However, questions have been raised by critical anti-traffickers on the basis of this level system, its heavy focus on compliance with the protocols of state departments, and its failure to consider "risks" and possible trade prevalence when assessing the efforts of diverse countries.
In particular, there are three main components of TVPA, usually called three P:
PROTECTION: TVPA enhances US Government efforts to protect victims of trafficking in trafficked persons including, but is not limited to: Trafficking victims, many of whom were previously ineligible for government assistance, provided assistance; and non-immigrant status for trafficking victims if they work together in the investigation and prosecution of traders (T-Visas, and provide other mechanisms to ensure the constant presence of the victims to assist in the investigation and prosecution).
PROSECUTION: TVPA authorizes the US Government to strengthen efforts to prosecute traffickers including, but not limited to: Creating a new set of crimes on human trafficking, forced labor, and slavery documents complementing existing limited crimes related to slavery and forced servitude; and recognize that modern slavery takes place in the context of fraud and coercion, and force, and is based on a new clear definition for trafficking into sexual exploitation and labor exploitation: Sex trade is defined as, "a commercial sex act induced by force, deceit, or coercion, or where the person persuaded to commit such an act has not reached the age of 18 years ". Labor trade is defined as, "recruitment, concealment, transportation, provision or acquisition of a person for labor or service, through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of subjection to forced slavery, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery".
PREVENTION: TVPA allows for increased precautions including: Providing authority to the US Government to assist foreign countries with their efforts to combat trafficking, as well as to handle trade in the United States, including through research and awareness raising; and provide assistance to foreign countries in drafting legislation to prosecute trafficking, create programs for victims of trafficking, and assistance by implementing effective means of inquiry.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton later identified P, the fourth "partnership", in 2009 to serve as "the road to progress in the fight against modern slavery".
Structure factor
A complex set of sex trade trafficking factors, including poverty, unemployment, social norms that discriminate against women, commercial demand for sex, institutional challenges, and globalization.
Poverty and globalization
Poverty and lack of educational and economic opportunities in one's homeland can cause women to voluntarily migrate and then be unconsciously trafficked into sex work. As globalization opens national borders for greater exchange of goods and capital, labor migration also increases. The less wealthy countries have fewer options for habitable wages. The economic impact of globalization encourages people to make conscious decisions to migrate and be vulnerable to trafficking. Gender inequities that prevent women from participating in the formal sector also push women into the informal sector.
The long waiting list for organs in the United States and Europe creates a rapidly growing international black market. Traders cut down the organs, especially the kidneys, to sell big profits and often without actually caring for or compensating the victims. Victims often come from poor rural communities and see some other options besides selling organs illegally. The inability of rich countries to meet the demand for organs within their borders perpetuates human trafficking. By reforming their internal donation system, Iran reaches a legal donor surplus and provides an instructive model to eliminate both organ and purchasing trade.
Globalization and the rise of Internet technology have also facilitated the sex trade. Secrets and online social network sites like Craigslist have been under close scrutiny as they are used by johns and traffickers in facilitating the sex trade and sex work in general. Merchants use explicit sites and underground sites (eg Craigslist, Backpage, MySpace) to market, recruit, sell, and exploit women. Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites are suspected for similar use. For example, Randal G. Jennings was convicted of having sex trafficking five underage girls by forcing them to advertise on Craiglist and driving them to meet customers. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, online classified ads reduce the risk of finding potential customers. Studies have identified the Internet as the largest facilitator of the commercial sex trade, although it is difficult to ascertain which women are advertised as victims of the sex trade. Merchants and pimps use the Internet to recruit minors, as Internet use and social networking sites have increased significantly, especially among children.
Organized criminals can earn up to several thousand dollars a day from a trafficked girl, and the Internet has increased the profitability of the sex trade and trafficking of children. With faster access to a wider client, more sexual encounters can be scheduled. Victims and clients, according to a New York City report on underage sex trade, are increasingly using the Internet to meet customers. Due to protests, Craigslist has closed the adult service section. According to the authorities, Backpage is now the main source for advertising victims of trafficking. Researchers also often search online classified ads to identify potential minor trafficked girls.
While globalization encourages new technologies that can exacerbate the sex trade, technology can also be used to help law enforcement and anti-trafficking efforts. A study was conducted on online classifieds that surround the Super Bowl. A number of reports have noticed an increase in sex trade during previous years in the Super Bowl. For the 2011 Super Bowl held in Dallas, Texas, Backpage for the Dallas area experienced a 136% increase in the number of posts in the Adult section of the Super Bowl Sunday, where as usually Sunday has the lowest number of posts. Researchers analyzed the most prominent term in this online ad, which showed that many companions traveled across the state line to Dallas specifically for the Super Bowl, and found that the reported age alone was higher than usual. Twitter is another social networking platform learned to detect the sex trade. Digital tools can be used to narrow the collection of sex trafficking cases, albeit imperfectly and with uncertainty.
However, no evidence has been found to actually link the Super Bowl - or any other sporting event - to increase trade or prostitution.
Political and institutional challenges
Corrupt and inadequately trained police may engage in the sex trade and/or perpetrate violence against sex workers, including victims of the sex trade. Human traffickers often incorporate abuse of the legal system into their control tactics by making threats of deportation or by turning victims into authorities, which may result in the detention of victims.
Anti-trafficking agendas of various groups can also lead to conflict. In the movement for the right of sex workers, sex workers form trade unions and organizations, which seek to eliminate trafficking. However, law enforcement also seeks to eliminate trafficking and to prosecute trafficking, and their work may violate the rights and agents of sex workers. For example, the DMSC sex trade union (Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee) in Kolkata, India, has a "self-regulating board" (SRB) that patrols red-light districts and assists minors or trafficked girls. The union opposes police intervention and disrupts police efforts to bring small girls out of brothels, arguing that police actions may have adverse effects on un trafficked sex workers, mainly because police officers are in many places corrupt and cruel in their operations. Critics argue that because the sex trade is an economic and violent crime, it calls for law enforcement to intervene and prevent violence against victims.
Criminalization of sex work can also encourage underground markets for sex work and enabling the sex trade.
Violent political situations such as civil war and social conflict are the driving factors for migration and commerce. A study reported that large countries, richest and poorest countries, and countries with limited press freedom tend to engage in more sex trade. In particular, being in a transitional economy makes the country nineteen times more likely to rank in the highest category of human trafficking, and gender inequality in the labor market of a country is also correlated with higher levels of trafficking.
The US State Department's June 2013 annual report calls Russia and China one of the worst offenders in the fight against forced labor and the sex trade, increasing the likelihood of US sanctions being taken against these countries. In 1997 alone as many as 175,000 young women from Russia, as well as the former Soviet Union, sold as a commodity in the sex markets of developed countries in Europe and America.
In 2013, the Supreme Court of Canada declared a law that effectively prohibits illegal prostitution. This delayed the execution of this ruling for one year to allow parliament time to enact replacement laws, if desired.
Commercial requests for sex
Abolitionists who seek to end the sex trade explain the nature of the sex trade as a model of economic supply and demand. In this model, male demand for prostitutes leads to the sex work market, which in turn, encourages the sex trade, illegal trade and coercion of people into sex work, and pimps and traders become 'distributors' who supply people to be sexual. exploited. Demand for the sex trade can also be facilitated by some pimping and human trafficking for women they can use as workers because they do not require wages, safe working conditions, and agents in choosing customers.
For victim
Victims of the sex trade face the threat of violence from various sources, including customers, pimps, brothel owners, mistresses, merchants, and corrupt local law enforcement officials. Raids as an anti-sex trafficking measure have the potential to help, as well as to protect victims of the sex trade. Because of their potentially complicated legal status and potential language barriers, the capture or fear of arrest creates other emotional stress and trauma for trafficking victims. Victims may also experience physical violence from law enforcement during raids. The challenges faced by victims often continue, after their experience of "saving" or eliminating from forced sexual exploitation. In addition to addressing their past traumatic experiences, former trafficking victims often experience social alienation in host countries and countries of origin. Stigmatization, social exclusion and intolerance often make it difficult for former victims to integrate into their host communities, or to reintegrate with their old communities. Thus, one of the main objectives of protection assistance, is the promotion (re) integration. However, often, large governments and donor agencies offer little to support the provision of social assistance and services to former trafficking victims. Because the victims were also encouraged to trade drugs, many of them also face criminal sanctions.
Short-term impact - psychological coercion
The use of force by principals and merchants involves the use of extreme control. The offender exposes the victim to a large number of psychological distress caused by threat, fear, and physical and emotional violence. Coercive tactics are reportedly used in three phases of trade: recruitment, initiation, and indoctrination. During the initiation phase, traders use persuasion techniques to lead their victims to various trade industries. This manipulation creates an environment in which the victim becomes completely dependent on the merchant's authority. Traffickers take advantage of family dysfunction, homelessness, and history of childhood abuse to psychologically manipulate women and children into the trade industry.
One of the most common forms of psychological coercion in the case of the sex trade and forced prostitution is Stockholm's syndrome. Many women who enter the sex trade industry are minors who have been sexually abused before. Traffickers capitalize on young girls by luring them into business through coercion and coercion, but more often through false promises about love, security, and protection. This form of coercion works to recruit and start a victim into the life of a sex worker, while also strengthening the "traumatic bond", also known as Stockholm syndrome. Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response in which the victim becomes attached to its offender.
The purpose of a merchant is to transform a human being into a slave. To do this, the offender uses tactics that can lead to the psychological consequences of helplessness learned for victims, where they feel that they no longer have autonomy or control over their lives. Traffickers can hold their victims, expose them to large amounts of alcohol or use drugs, keep them in isolation, or withhold food or sleep. During this time victims often begin to feel the onset of depression, guilt and self-blame, anger and anger, and sleep disorders, PTSD, numbness, and extreme stress. Under these pressures, the victim may fall into a hopeless mental state of learned helplessness.
For victims who are specifically trafficked for the purpose of forced prostitution and sexual slavery, initiation into trade is almost always characterized by violence. Traffickers hunt down their victims and use practices of sexual harassment, torture, brainwashing, repeated rape and physical assault until the victims hand over their fate as sexual slaves. Victims experience verbal threats, social isolation, and intimidation before they accept their role as prostitutes.
For those enslaved in situations of forced labor, learned helplessness can also manifest itself through the trauma of life as slaves. Reports indicate that detention for people and the financial gain of their owners adds additional psychological trauma. Victims are often disconnected from all forms of social connections, because isolation allows the offender to destroy the victim's feelings and increase his dependence on the perpetrator.
Long-term impact
Victims of trafficking may experience complex trauma as a result of repeated cases of long-term intimate trauma including, but not limited to, sexual harassment, domestic violence, forced prostitution, or gang rape. Complex trauma involves various conditions of depression, anxiety, self-hatred, dissociation, substance abuse, self-destructive behavior, medical and somatic problems, despair, and revictimization. Psychological researchers report that, although similar to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complex trauma is more widespread in diagnosis due to the effects of prolonged trauma.
Victims of sex trafficking often get "branded" by their merchants or pimps. This tattoo usually consists of a bar code or a merchant name or rule. Even if a victim escapes from the control of their merchant or is saved, these tattoos are a painful reminder of their past and produce emotional distress. To remove this tattoo or cover-up can cost hundreds of dollars.
Psychological reviews have shown that the chronic stress experienced by many trafficking victims may jeopardize the immune system. Some studies have found that chronic stressors (such as trauma or loss) suppress cellular and humoral immunity. Victims can develop STDs and HIV/AIDS. Perpetrators often use substance abuse as a means to control their victims, leading to health problems, self-destructive behavior, and long-term physical damage. Furthermore, victims have reported similar treatment to torture, where their bodies were broken and beaten.
Children are especially vulnerable to the developmental and psychological consequences of trade because of their age. To gain complete control over children, traders often destroy the physical and mental health of children through persistent physical and emotional abuse. Victims experience severe daily trauma that destroys the development of self-concept, self-esteem, biological integrity, and healthy cognitive function. Children who grow in a constant exploitation environment often exhibit antisocial behavior, over-sexual behavior, self-harm, aggression, adult distrust, dissociative disorders, substance abuse, complex trauma, and attention deficit disorders. Stockholm syndrome is also a common problem for girls when they are trafficked, which can prevent them from trying to escape, and move forward in a psychological recovery program.
Although 98% of sex trafficking consists of women and girls, there is an attempt to collect empirical evidence about the psychological impact of common abuse in the sex trade of young boys. Boys will often experience forms of post-traumatic stress disorder, but also additional stress of social stigma of homosexuality associated with sexual abuse for boys, and externalizing blame, increasing anger, and a desire for revenge.
Sex trafficking increases the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. The HIV/AIDS pandemic can be the cause and consequence of the sex trade. On the one hand, child-prostitutes are sought by customers because they are considered less likely to be HIV positive, and this demand leads to child sex trafficking. On the other hand, human trafficking leads to HIV proliferation, because victims, vulnerable and often young/inexperienced, can not protect themselves well, and are infected.
Economic impact
According to estimates from the International Labor Organization (ILO), every year the human trafficking industry generates 32 billion USD, half ($ 15.5 billion) made in industrialized countries, and one-third ($ 9.7 billion) made in Asia. A 2011 paper published in the Human Rights Review , "Sex Trafficking: Trends, Challenges and Limitations of International Law", notes that, since 2000, the number of victims of the sex trade has increased while trade-related costs has refused: "Coupled with the fact that traded sex slaves are the only type of the most profitable slave, at an average cost of $ 1,895 each but earning $ 29,210 per year, there is bad forecasts about the possibility of growth in sex slavery commercial in the future. " Victims of sex trafficking rarely get a share of the money they earn through forced sex work, which further makes them oppressed.
Popular culture
Both the public debate on human trafficking and the actions carried out by anti-human traders have been criticized by Zbigniew Dumienski, a former research analyst at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. The criticism touches on statistics and data on trafficking, the concept itself, and anti-trafficking measures.
Problems with statistics and data
According to a former Wall Street Journal columnist, the numbers used in human trafficking estimates rarely have an identifiable source or transparent methodology behind them and in most (if not all) instances, it is a mere conjecture. Dumienski and Laura Agustin argue that this is the result of the fact that it is impossible to produce reliable statistics about the phenomena occurring in the shadow economy. According to UNESCO Bangkok researchers, statistics on human trafficking may not be reliable due to the over-representation of the sex trade. For example, he cites flaws in Thai statistics, which ignore men from their official figures because by law they can not be considered victims of trafficking because of their sex.
A 2012 article in the International Communication Gazette examines the effects of two communication theories (agenda-making and agenda setting) on ​​media coverage of trafficking in the United States and Britain. The article analyzed four newspapers including the Guardian and Washington Post and grouped content into categories. Overall, the article found that the sex trade was the most reported form of human trafficking by newspapers analyzed (p.194). Many other stories about human trafficking are not specific.
Problem with concept
According to Zbigniew Dumienski, the concept of human trafficking is very grim and misleading. It has been argued that although trafficking is commonly seen as a monolithic crime, in fact it may be an act of illegal migration involving different actions: some of which may be criminal or abusive, but others often involve legal and consent. Laura Agustin argues that not all that seem abusive or coercive is considered by migrants. For example, he states that: 'prospective travelers usually seek help from an intermediary that sells information, services, and documents. When travelers can not afford to buy these items directly, they will be indebted '. Dumienski says that while these debts may indeed be in very harsh conditions, they usually occur voluntarily. Furthermore, anti-humorist actors often equate the silent migration movement with the forms of exploitation covered by the definition of human trafficking, ignoring the fact that the migration movement is not a requirement for trafficking victims.
Critics of the current trade approach say that much of the violence and exploitation faced by illegal immigrants stems from the fact that migration and their work are illegal and not human trafficking.
The organization Save the Children international also stated: "The problem, how
Source of the article : Wikipedia