Psycho is an American horror franchise consisting of six films based on Psycho's novel by Robert Bloch, Psycho , > Psycho II , Psycho III , Bates Motel , Psycho IV: Beginning , a 1998 remake of the original film, and merchandise additions covering various media. The first film, Psycho , directed by director Alfred Hitchcock. Furthermore, other films related to the series were made: a biography of Alfred Hitchcock. Also, an independent documentary film called The Psycho Legacy was released on October 19, 2010. Most focus on Psycho II , Psycho III and Psycho IV: The Beginning , but it covers the impact and legacy of the original film. TV series, Bates Motel , aired on A & amp; E between 2013 and 2017, as a contemporary reboot for the first film set in a modern setting. It stars Freddie Highmore as a teenage Norman Bates and Vera Farmiga as his mother Norma Bates.
The films focus on the life of Norman Bates, a very disturbed young man who operates the Bates Motel. He has mental instability that eventually ends up with a psychotic twisted personality and, as a result, sometimes kills people.
Video Psycho (franchise)
Psiko (1960)
Because she needed money to marry her boyfriend, Sam Loomis (John Gavin), Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) stole $ 40,000 from her employer and escaped from Phoenix, Arizona by car. While heading to Sam's house in California, he parked the car on the street to sleep. A highway patrol officer awakens him and, suspicious of agitation, follows him. When he trades his car at another dealer, he records the details of the new vehicle. Marion is back on the road, but, rather than driving in a big storm, decides to stay overnight at Motel Bates.
The owner Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) told Marion that he rarely had customers due to motel breaks from the new Interstate and mentioned that he was living with his mother in a house overlooking the motel. He invited Marion to dinner. He overhears Norman arguing with his mother about letting Marion at home, and during the meal, she upsets her by suggesting she institutionalize her mother. She admits she will like this, but does not want to leave her.
Marion decides to return to Phoenix to return the money. After calculating how he can pay back the money he spends, Marion throws his notes down the toilet and starts taking a shower. An anonymous woman walked into the bathroom and stabbed her to death. Finding the corpse, Norman was horrified. She placed Marion's body, wrapped in a shower curtain, and all of hers - including money - in the trunk of her car and drowned her in a nearby marsh.
Shortly after, Sam was contacted by Marion's sister Lila (Vera Miles) and private detective Milton Arbogast (Martin Balsam), who had been hired by Marion's employer to recover the money. Arbogast traces Marion to the motel and asks Norman, who can not be denied that Marion stayed for one night and left the next morning. He refuses to let Arbogast talk to his mother, claiming he is sick. Arbogast calls Lila to update her and tells her that she'll call again after she asks Norman's mother.
Arbogast entered Norman's house and at the top of the stairs was attacked by a figure who slashed his face with a knife, pushed him down the stairs, then stabbed him to death. When Arbogast did not call Lila, she and Sam contacted the local police. Deputy Sheriff Al Chambers (John McIntire) is puzzled to learn Arbogast saw a woman in the window since Norman's mother died ten years ago. Norman confronts his mother and urges him to hide in the basement. He rejected the idea and ordered it out of his room, but against his will, Norman took him into the basement.
Posing as a married couple, Sam and Lila check into the motel and look for Marion's room, where they find a piece of paper in the toilet with "$ 40,000" written on it. While Sam turned Norman's attention, Lila sneaked into the house. Sam advised Norman that he killed Marion for money so he could buy a new hotel. Realizing Lila was not there, Norman knocked Sam unconscious and rushed to the house. Lila sees him and hides in the basement where he finds the body of Norman's mother being semi-preserved and obscured. Wearing her mother's clothes and a wig and carrying a knife, Norman enters and tries to attack Lila, but she is saved by Sam.
After Norman's arrest, a forensic psychiatrist tells Sam and Lila that the mother who died Norman lives in the soul of Norman as an alternative personality. After Norman's father's death, the couple lived as if they were the only people in the world. When his mother finds a lover, Norman gets angry with jealousy and kills them both. Consumed with guilt, Norman "wiped out evil" by bringing his mother back to life in his mind. He stole his body and preserved his body. When she is "Mother", she acts, speaks, and dresses like her. Psychiatrists concluded that the "Mother" personality now had complete control over Norman's mind.
In the last scene, Norman sat in a cell, thinking in a "Mother" voice. In voiceover, "Mother" explains that she plans to prove that she is incapable of violence by refusing to hit a fly that landed in her hand. The last shot shows Marion's car recovering from a swamp. Psycho_II_ (1983) "> Psiko II (1983) Psycho_II_ (1983)"> Psycho_II_ (1983)
Murderers convicted by Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) are released from mental institutions. Lila Loomis (Vera Miles), Bates's sister, Marion Crane, strongly protests with a petition that she has been circulating with the signature of 743 people, including relatives of six Norman people who were killed before jail, but her petition was dissolved.
Norman was taken to his old house, Bates Motel, with the house behind him on the hill, by Dr. Bill Raymond (Robert Loggia), who assured him that everything would be all right. He was introduced to the new motel manager, Warren Toomey (Dennis Franz). The next day, Norman reported to a pre-arranged job at a nearby restaurant, run by a friendly old woman named Emma Spool (Claudia Bryar).
One of his coworkers there was Mary Loomis (Meg Tilly), a young waiter. Mary claims she has been expelled from her boyfriend's place and needs a place to stay. Norman offers to let him stay at the motel, then extends the offer to his home when he discovers that Toomey has transformed his beloved establishment into a rotten adult motel.
Norman's adjustment back to the community seems to go well until "Mom" begins to make his presence known. Norman gets a mysterious note from "Mother" at home and restaurant. The call came from someone who claimed to be Norman's mother. Toomey fought in a restaurant after Norman fired him. Then, a character in a black dress stabs Toomey to death with a kitchen knife as he packs up to leave the motel.
Norman began to doubt his sanity when he started hearing voices at home. She entered her mother's bedroom to find it exactly as it did 22 years ago. A voice pulled him into the attic, where he was locked.
Believing the house to be abandoned, the teenage couple sneaks in through the basement window. They saw the figure of women pacing the next room. As they tried to climb out, the boy was stabbed to death. The girl escaped and told the police.
Mary finally found Norman in the attic. The sheriff questioned them about the boy's murder. He found the basement was neat and orderly. Norman will admit that something suspicious is happening, but Mary claims that she has cleared her own dungeon. After the sheriff left, Norman asked Mary why she was lying. He explains that he must save her from the arrest. Norman collapsed into a chair with his head in his hands and a groan, "Start again!"
Mary was shocked later when she found someone looking at her through the peephole in the bathroom wall. He called Norman, who was below and out of reach. Both of them were horrified to find a bloody cloth that had been filled to the toilet. Norman looked confused and believed he might have committed another murder.
Mary went downstairs to check the motel. In the living room she was surprised by Lila, who revealed herself as Mary's mother. She has called Norman to confess as his mother, even going so far as to dress up as him and let him see her in the window. Mary has helped her. He was responsible for returning Mother's room at home and locking Norman in the attic. All this is an attempt to push Norman crazy again and ask him to commit again.
Mary's growing feelings for Norman, however, had preyed on his conscience leaving him to reconsider his actions. In the meantime, Dr. Raymond found Mary's identity as Lila's daughter and told Norman. He also ordered the corpse of Norma Bates (who was buried in the cemetery right after the original movie) to be dug, to prove that Norman was not haunted by his mother.
Mary admitted to Norman that he had been part of Lila's ruse, and that while he now refused to continue, Lila would not stop. Mary goes to Lila's hotel and their argument is heard by a bartender. Later, Lila went to Norman's house, unaware that Dr. Raymond watched her from the Bates Motel as he slipped into the basement.
Removing his "Mother" costume from the rock that had slipped off the floor, another figure dressed like "Mom" stepped out of the shadows and killed him. Dr. Raymond ran home. Lila's body is not in the cellar. Meanwhile, Mary discovers that the car has been taken from the swamp, with Toomey's body in the trunk.
Realizing the police were about to arrive to arrest Norman, Mary came back to warn her. The phone rang inside the house, Norman answered, and started talking to his "mother". Mary listens and finds that no one is in line with Norman. Frightened, Mary walked down to the basement, and quickly dressed up like Mom to confront Norman. Somebody took it from behind, and he stuffed a butcher knife into the... Dr. Raymond, who had slipped back into the house.
Stunned Mary ran down and confronted by a crazy Norman, who promised to cover up "Mother". Mary tried to keep her away, repeatedly stabbing her in the hands and chest. She backed Mary into the fruit shed to hide and slip on a pile of coal, which was eroded from the wall, exposing Lila's body hidden beneath it. Mary was now convinced that Norman had committed murder. He raised his knife to stab him and was shot dead by the incoming police.
The Sheriff indirectly believes that Mary did all the killing. That night, a woman walked up the stairs to Bates's house. Wrapped from his wounds, Norman had arranged a place for dinner when he heard a knock on the door. It's Emma Spool, a friendly woman from the restaurant.
Norman gave her a cup of tea. Ms. Spool tells him that he is his birth mother, that Ny. Bates was his sister, who adopted Norman as a baby while Ms. Spool is institutionalized. He further reveals that he is a murderer, after killing anyone who tries to hurt his son. As he sipped his tea, Norman killed him with a sudden blow to the head with a shovel.
Norman is now completely crazy again. He took Ms Spool's body upstairs to Mother's room and we heard my mother's voice warning Norman not to play with "dirty girls". Norman reopened the Bates Motel and stood in front of the house, waiting for new customers when Mother looked from the upstairs window. Psycho_III_ (1986) "> Psycho III (1986) Psycho_III_ (1986)
The film begins with Maureen Coyle (Diana Scarwid), a mentally unstable young nun, above the bell tower who is about to commit suicide. When another nun tried to get him down, Maureen accidentally pushed him over the fence until his death. Another nun told Maureen that she was going to burn in hell. He was forced to leave the monastery after this ordeal.
Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) still watches at Bates Motel and lives with the corpse preserved from his "righteous" mother, Emma Spool (Claudia Bryar), whom Norman kills at the end of Psycho II . Local law enforcement and former employer Norman Ralph Statler (Robert Alan Browne) are concerned because Ny. Spool has been missing for over a month. Duane Duke (Jeff Fahey), a 20-year-old awkward, desperate looking man for money, was offered a job as an assistant manager at Bates Motel. Maureen, now a new long-term tenant, has several problems to be solved in her life. He surrendered his vow as a nun just a few days earlier, and he was not sure how he felt about spiritual or worldly matters.
Sheriff John Hunt (Hugh Gillin) and Statler speak at the diner, when Tracy Venable (Roberta Maxwell), an ambitious journalist from Los Angeles, interrupts them. He was working on an article about serial killers stationed on the streets. Venable sought to support his theory that Norman was returning to his old ways. Norman appears and Venable jumps at the chance to talk to him. Not knowing his hidden motives, Norman opened up to him, but was disturbed when an exhausted Maureen came in and sat at the lunch table. She is startled by Maureen's presence, because she feels she is very similar to Marion Crane (Janet Leigh). See the initials "M.C." in his suitcase, Norman felt strange and left the diner.
After a conversation with "Mom", Norman spied on Maureen as she undressed and headed to the bathroom to bathe. Keeping the word "him", "Mom" entered Maureen's motel room with plans to kill her. After pulling back the shower curtain, it was revealed that Maureen had tried to commit suicide by cutting her wrist, a scene that made Norman return to her "normal" side. Maureen looked at the "Mother" who was very weak by what she "saw", "she" lowered the knife. Because of blood loss, Maureen was hallucinating and she was Norman's mistake, dressed up like "Mother", for the Virgin Mary holding a silver cross.
Meanwhile, Tracy had met Duane at a bar where they discussed Norman, and it seemed Tracy was blaming Norman for her disappearance. Spool. When he leaves, Duane picks up another girl at the bar, Red (Juliette Cummins's) Juliette Cummins. Norman took Maureen to a local hospital to save her life. After she was released, she invited her to stay at the motel and they started a romantic relationship.
That same night, Duane and Red arrived at the motel and heard a quarrel between "Mom" and Norman, but thought it was just a TV too loud. Red and Duane, headed to cabin 12 where they made love. That night, Red, explains that he wants more than just tossing. Call him a pig, they argue. Duane, growled, drove him out of the cabin. Red goes to a pay phone to call a cab, where he realizes that he is wearing his blouse back. When he took it off to put it on the right path, "Mom" smashed the door of the telephone booth and stabbed the Red who was trapped to death. The next morning, Duane finds Norman rubbing the phone booth.
Groups from out of town arrive at motels where they plan to watch local football matches. Tracy came to find Norman and ask questions about her past and "Mother". Norman became defensive with the reporter and told him to leave, never to return. That night, she and Maureen went to the restaurant, where they danced and talked romantically, while Tracy searched Mrs. Spool. She found the Bates Motel phone number on the cover of the magazine. Norman and Maureen returned to the motel to find most of the other guests involved in intoxicated drunkenness. Norman went with Maureen to her room and they fell asleep in their arms for refusing to make love. Some time later, Patsy Boyle (Katt Shea Ruben), the only drunk guest, wakes Maureen to ensure her safety when Norman leaves the door open, a bad idea with all the drunk guests around. Patsy, needing to use the bathroom, found one in Norman's empty living room, but "Mom" reappeared and slashed her throat. Norman (a tribute to the reaction found Marion dead in the original bathroom) gasped as he found Patsy's body. She buried it in the motel's ice chest outside the office.
The next morning, Sheriff Hunt and Vice Leo appear at Norman's house to investigate Patsy's disappearance. Norman tried to prevent Hunt from entering his mother's bedroom, when he discovered that "Mom"/Madam. Spool has completely disappeared. Outside, Tracy tells Maureen about Norman, and she, somewhat annoyed, leaves the motel and goes to live with Father Brian, who takes care of him in the hospital. Meanwhile, Tracy believes Norman is behind the latest disappearances. Norman searches his mother all over the house and finds a note from him stating that he is in cabin 12. When Norman arrives at the cabin, he finds out that it is Duane who takes "Mother". Duane confronts him then tries to blackmail Norman to pay him, or he will turn Norman into a cop. He tells Duane he does not have that much money, but Duane reminds him that Norman has made a lot of money from his business, and if Norman does not give money for his silence, he'll go to the police. He agrees with Duane's blackmail demands, but he suddenly throws an ashtray to Duane's head. They fought and Norman seemed to kill Duane by hitting him a few times with his own guitar. Fearing what he had done, he blamed "Mom" for this.
Tracy talks to Statler and Myrna (Lee Garlington) about Mrs. Spool and find him working in a restaurant before Statler bought it from Harvey Leach. Tracy met with Leach, a resident in a living facility assisted, and was told that Mrs. Spool has also been instituted for murder. Meanwhile, Norman drove Duane's car into the swamp with Duane and Patsy's body inside. Duane turned out to be alive and attacked Norman, who accidentally drove to the swamp. He struggled out of the car while Duane drowned. Tracy read some old newspapers in her study and found out about "Bates Abductions".
Maureen convinces herself that Norman is her true love. He returned to the motel and showered before visiting Norman at his home. They shared a gentle moment at the top of the stairs when "Mom" shouted angrily at Norman, who surprised her and caused her to lose her grip on Maureen's hand. He fell down the stairs to a statue of a god of romance at the bottom of the stairs. He walked limp and sank to the floor indicating the arrow had pierced his skull. Feeling desperate, Norman shouted and confronted his mother, saying that he would get it for this. "You have no guts, son!" states "Mother". At that moment, Tracy arrived at the motel and tried to find Maureen. He enters the house only to find him lying dead on the living room couch filled with candles burning. Then he saw Norman dressed like "Mom", holding a knife, and trying to escape. He tried to reason with Norman by explaining his family history: Emma Spool, who was actually his aunt, fell in love with Norman's father, but he married his sister, Norma, instead. Mrs Spool, has a serious psychological problem, kidnaps Norman when he was a baby after he killed Mr. Bates, believing Norman was the child he "should have brought with him."
She found Mrs. Spool's body in the bedroom, and Norman undressed her mother's clothes. "Mother" ordered him to kill Tracy, and when Norman lifted a knife, he instead attacked brutally "Mother," cutting up his preserved remains. The last scene shows Sheriff Hunt taking Norman to his squad car, with Pastor Brian and Tracy trailing behind. Hunt told Norman that they would never let him out of the institution again, Norman replied, "But I'll be free... Finally I'll be free." Norman, sitting quietly behind the patrol car to the institute, enjoyed his victory over his mother by stroking the trophy: Mrs. Spool. He smiled sarcastically as the screen faded into black and revolving credit.
Bates Motel (1987)
In 1987, NBC released a telefilm spin-off titled Bates Motel . The film follows Alex West (Bud Cort), a man who lived with Norman Bates in the state mental hospital for nearly 20 years. After Bates's death, Alex discovers that he is in Norman's will as the heir of the Bates Motel, which has been vacant since the time of Norman's capture. Alex travels to Fairvale, California and with a little help from a teenage escape named Willie (Lori Petty), Alex struggles to reopen the motel for business, only for strange things to happen. Did someone try to get rid of it, or was the motel really haunted by the ghost of Norman's mother? Psycho_IV: _The_Beginning_.281990.29 "> Psycho IV: Beginning (1990)
Fran Ambrose is a radio talk show host who talks about "matricide" topics (when children kill their mothers) with guests. Richmond, who is a former psychologist Norman Bates. Radio receives a call from Norman Bates, who has reentered the community and married another former psychiatrist, Connie. Under the alias "Ed" (probably a reference to Ed Gein, the killer after the Norman character is modeled), Norman tells his story, which the audience sees as a series of flashbacks. Some flashbacks are slightly damaged. The chronological story is: In 1950, Norman's mother, Norma Bates, suffered from schizophrenia (see Psycho II ); he strangled Norman and would experience mood swings. Because of Norman's sexual oppression in his hands, when he plays with him, he has an incestuous erection, causing him to dress in women's clothes and taunt him by calling her "Norma." He was then engaged to a man named Chet Rudolph, who would beat Norman. Finally Norman was fed up with Chet who let him be in their lives and poisoned them both, albeit reluctantly. He then developed a famous double personality disorder and stole his body to create the illusion that he was still alive - whenever his body spoke to him, the "Norma" personality would take over. This caused Norman as "Norma" to kill two women who wanted to have sex with her. Across the room in flashbacks, Dr. Richmond realizes "Ed" is Norman and tries to convince Fran to track calls. Richmond's concerns are dismissed because they can not trace the call and they believe they can talk Norman out of the reason he called: he's afraid he'll kill again. She tells Fran that Connie is pregnant against her wishes and that she does not want another "monster". She then tells Fran that she believes her mother is dead, but she will kill Connie "with my own hands, like the first time". She then takes Connie to her mother's house and tries to stab him, but after Connie convinces Norman that their son will not become a monster, he drops his knife with shame and Connie forgives him. He then set fire to a house where all his unhappiness begins. When he tries to escape from the fire, he hallucinates that he sees his victim, Chet, his mother and finally himself preserving his body. She and Connie left the scene with Norman stating, "I'm free." However, when credit is rolling, the sound of a newborn's crying can be heard. Psycho_ (1998) "> Psycho (1998)
Because he needed money to get his girlfriend, Sam Loomis (Viggo Mortensen) from debt, Marion Crane (Anne Heche) stole $ 400,000 from her employer and fled from Phoenix, Arizona by car. While on his way to Sam's home in California, he parked the car along the way to sleep. A highway patrolman awakened him and, suspicious of his anxious state, began following him. When he trades his car for another car at a dealer, he records the details of the new vehicle. Marion is back on the road, but, rather than driving in a big storm, decides to stay overnight at Motel Bates.
The owner Norman Bates (Vince Vaughn) told Marion that he rarely had customers because there was a new interstate nearby and mentioned he was staying with his mother at the house overlooking the motel. He invites Marion to dinner with her. He overhears Norman arguing with his mother about letting Marion at home, and during the meal she is angry with him by suggesting she institutionalize her mother. She admits she wants to do it, but does not want to leave her.
Marion decides to return to Phoenix to return the money. After calculating how he can pay back the money he spends, Marion throws his notes down the toilet and starts taking a shower. An anonymous woman walked into the bathroom and stabbed her to death. Finding the corpse, Norman was horrified. She cleaned the bathroom and placed Marion's body, wrapped in a shower curtain, and all of hers - including money - in the trunk of her car and drowned it in the nearby swamp...
Shortly after, Sam was contacted by Marion's sister Lila (Julianne Moore) and private detective Milton Arbogast (William H. Macy), who had been employed by Marion's employer to find her and get her money back. Arbogast traces Marion to the motel and asks Norman, who can not be denied that Marion stayed for one night and left the next morning. He refuses to let Arbogast talk to his mother, claiming he is sick. Arbogast calls Lila to update her and tells her that she will contact him again within an hour after she questioned Norman's mother.
Arbogast entered Norman's house and at the top of the stairs was attacked by a character who slashed his face three times with a knife, pushed him down the stairs, then stabbed him to death. When Arbogast did not call Lila, she and Sam contacted the local police. Deputy Sheriff Al Chambers (Philip Baker Hall) is confused to learn Arbogast saw a woman in the window, since Norman's mother died ten years ago. Norman confronts his mother and urges him to hide in the basement. He rejected the idea and ordered it out of his room, but against his will, Norman took him into the basement.
Posing as a married couple, Sam and Lila check into the motel and look for Marion's room, where they find a piece of paper in the toilet with "$ 400,000" written on it. While Sam distracts Norman, Lila sneaks into the house looking for her mother. Sam advised Norman that he killed Marion for money so he could buy a new motel. Realizing Lila was not there, Norman knocked Sam unconscious with the golf club and rushed to the house. Lila sees him and hides in the basement where he finds the body of Norman's mother being semi-preserved and obscured. Wearing her mother's clothes and a wig and carrying a knife, Norman enters and tries to attack Lila, but she is saved by Sam.
After the arrest of Norman, forensic psychiatrist Dr. Fred Richmond (Robert Forster) tells Sam and Lila that the mother who died Norman lives in the soul of Norman as an alternative personality. After Norman's father's death, the couple lived as if they were the only people in the world. When his mother finds a lover, Norman goes to the edge jealously and kills them both. Consumed with guilt, he tries to "wipe out evil" by bringing his mother back to life in his mind. He stole his body and preserved his body. When she is "Mother," she acts, speaks, and dresses as she does. Norman imagined his mother to be jealous of a woman to whom she might be attracted just as she was his mother's lover, and so "Mother" killed any woman she felt; when Norman regained consciousness, he believed that his mother had committed a crime, and covered it up. It was implied that Norman was responsible for the disappearance of two unsolved teenage girls. Richmond concluded that the "Mother" personality had now completely controlled Norman's mind.
In the last scene, Norman sat in a cell, thinking in a "Mother" voice. In the voiceover, "Mother" explains that she plans to prove to the authorities that she is incapable of committing violence by refusing to hit the fly that landed in her hands. The last shot shows Marion's car recovering from a swamp, and then leaves to end the credit.
Maps Psycho (franchise)
Bates Motel (2013-2017)
On January 23, 2012, A & amp; E announced that a television series called Bates Motel is being developed on the network. The series is a television reboot set up in 2010 and chronicles Norman Bates' early childhood with his mother and how he escorted him into a murderer. In July 2012, A & amp; E ordered 10 series episodes, past the initial trial phase. The series takes place in modern times and stars Freddie Highmore as Norman Bates and young Vera Farmiga as Mrs. Bates. The first season premiered on March 20, 2013 and resulted in the second and third seasons. Fourth and fifth seasons are announced. The TV series was taken in Vancouver with a replica of Psycho's home of Universal Studio Hollywood and recreation from the original Bates Motel of the first film. The original interior set has also been recreated.
Source material
In 1959, the novel Psycho was published. The novel is loosely based on Wisconsin serial killers and cannibal Ed Gein. Writer Robert Bloch lives 40 miles away from the Gein farmhouse and loves the idea of ​​someone who can kill people in a small community and escape for years without getting caught. The character of Norman Bates is very different in the novel from the movie version. In this novel, Bates is overweight, in his early 40s and heavy drink. When Joseph Stefano adapted the novel into the scenario, he made the young Norman character, attractive and vulnerable. In 1982, Bloch wrote a sequel novel called Psycho II that had nothing to do with the 1983 film version. In the novel, Norman Bates escaped from a mental institution and went to Hollywood to stop producing films based on his life. Many critics and fans describe the novel as ridiculous and weird and unlikely to be made into a movie. In 1990, due to pressure from his publishing company, Bloch wrote a third novel called Psycho House. However, according to horror writer David J. Schow, while writing it Bloch originally called it Psycho 13 . In the novels, Bates's homes and motels were bought as sights and a series of murders began to occur.
List of novels
Graphic novel
In 1992, a series of graphic novels based on the original Psycho was published by the Comics Innovation group. Today, his novel is not printed and very rarely found.
Transmission and character
List indicator (s)
- A Y shows the actor playing the younger version role of the character.
- Dark gray cells show no characters in the movie.
History (1959-1997)
Psycho is based on a 1959 novel of the same name by Robert Bloch who in turn is loosely based on the case of Wisconsin murderer who was convicted by Ed Gein. The protagonist Gein and Psycho ' characters, Norman Bates, is a single killer in a remote rural location. Both have died, mothers are dominating, and have closed one room of their house as a sanctuary for their mother, and both are dressed in women's clothing. However, there are many differences between Bates and Ed Gein. Among other things, Gein would not be considered a serial killer, for officially killing "only" two people. Peggy Robertson, Hitchcock's production assistant, read Anthony Boucher's positive reviews about Bloch's novel and decided to show the book to Hitchcock, although readers at Hitchcock Paramount Pictures's home studio rejected its premise for a movie. Hitchcock acquired the rights to the novel for $ 9,500. He reportedly ordered Robertson to buy a copy to keep the novel shock for the film. Hitchcock chose to film Psycho to recover from two canceled projects with Paramount: Flamingo Feather and No Bail for the Judge . Hitchcock also faces a genre competitor whose work is highly critical of his own works and thus eager to film new material. The director also dislikes the demand for star salaries and only trusts some people to choose prospective materials, including Robertson.
Paramount executives did not want to produce the film and refused to provide the budget Hitchcock received from them for the previous films with the studio. Hitchcock decided to plan Psycho to be filmed quickly and cheaply, similar to the episodes of Alfred Hitchcock Presents' television series, and rented a television series crew as Shamley Productions. He proposed this cost-conscious approach to Paramount but executives again refused to finance the film, telling him that the stage of their vote was occupied or ordered even though production was known to be in decline. Hitchcock responded with an offer to finance the film personally and film it at Universal-International if Paramount would distribute it. He also suspended the directors fees of $ 250,000 for 60% ownership of negative films. This offer is finally accepted. Hitchcock was also rejected by producer Herbert Coleman and Shamley Productions executive Joan Harrison, who did not think the film would be a success.
Hitchcock hired writer James Cavanaugh to write screenwriters. Dissatisfied with the Cavanaugh scenario, Hitchcock then recruited newborn author Joseph Stefano to adapt the novel. The film began filming in December 1959 and will last about a month. It was filmed mostly in the Universal backlot and in various stages of sound. During filming, Hitchcock was forced to unrecognized recording for some scenes. The last shot in the shower scene, which started with extreme close-ups on Marion's eyes and pulled up and out, proved very difficult for Leigh, because the splashing water on her face made her want to blink, and the cameraman was having trouble because it was good because she had to focus manually when moving the camera. The recapture is also necessary for the opening scene, as Hitchcock feels that Leigh and Gavin are not passionate enough. Leigh difficulty saying "No exaggeration" for the real estate office scene, requiring additional retakes. Finally, the scene in which the mother was found required an elaborate coordination of the rotating chair, Miles hit the light bulb, and lens flare, which proved to be a sticking point. Hitchcock was forced to retake until all three elements satisfied it. The famous shower scene takes a week to complete and takes a third of Janet Leigh's filming. Psycho was released on June 16, 1960 to be mixed with critical reception and financial success, making thirty two million dollars in running theatrics. The film received four Academy Award nominations.
In 1982, author Robert Bloch published his novel Psycho II, which insinuated Hollywood slasher films. Upset by this, Universal decided to create their own version that was different from Bloch's. Originally, the film was intended as a production made for cables. Anthony Perkins initially refused an offer to re-enact the role of Norman Bates, but when the studio became interested in others (including Christopher Walken), Perkins quickly accepted it. The studio also wants Jamie Lee Curtis (star daughter of Psycho Janet Leigh) to play the role of Mary Loomis. Director Richard Franklin was hired to direct Psycho II because he was a Hitchcock student and even visited him on Topaz set, and because a year earlier, Franklin made a film called Roadgames starring Jamie Lee Curtis who was influenced by the 1954 Hitchcock Back View movie. Franklin hired writer Tom Holland to write the script after Franklin saw The Beast Within , once written by Holland. Holland states: "I approached him with more trepidation because I did a sequel to Psycho and I really respect Hitchcock.You do not want to screw it up, you really almost have the moral obligation to make something that is in line with the original and update it at the same time.This is really the next step, what happens when Norman comes out ". The original assistant director of Psycho, Hilton A. Green, was contacted and asked if she wanted to produce the film. Green, afraid that Hitchcock might disagree with the sequel to his films, called Hitchcock's daughter, Patricia Hitchcock, and ask what he thinks about the movie. Patricia Hitchcock gave the movie the blessing, saying that her father would love it. Psycho II was filmed at Universal Studios in Universal City, California on Phase 24 from 30 June 1982 to August 1982.
The Bates House still stood since 1960, but the motel had to be reconstructed. According to Richard Franklin, the filming lasted for 32 days. The film is made like the first movie; mostly taken in the Universal backlot and at a number of sound stages. Some props and set pieces from the original film were invented by designer sets John W. Corso and Julie Fletcher. The town of Fairvale (seen when Lila Loomis was followed by Dr. Raymond) is actually Courthouse Square, located in the Universal Studios backlot in California. Both Franklin and Holland wanted the film to be a tribute to Hitchcock and the original film; to accomplish this they added various jokes like the scene when Mary and Norman first went to Norman's mother's room, before they turned on the lights; one can see Alfred Hitchcock's silhouette on the wall to the far right. Franklin also repeated various shots from the original film like a shot where Norman went into the kitchen and put his jacket on a chair. Perkins has difficulty working with actress Meg Tilly because Tilly has never seen the original movie and is unaware of the importance of Perkins's comeback role. In the middle of the production process, Perkins suggested that Tilly be replaced even if half of her scene had been shot. The end of the film was kept secret during production. The last pages of the shooting script with the ending on it are not distributed for cast and crew until the last day of filming. The iconic final picture of the film with Norman standing in front of the house was used as a Christmas card for various crew members. When Universal presented the concept of art for a one-page movie posters, director Franklin was not happy with it. It was editor Andrew London who came up with the idea of ​​using a Christmas card photo as a movie poster and also came up with a tagline: "It's 22 years later and Norman Bates is coming home". When the movie opened on June 3, 1983, the film earned $ 8,310,244 on its opening weekend and continued to gross around $ 34,725,000, making it one of the top hits of the year, just behind the return of Jedi.
Psycho II is generally well received by the public and critics and is a shocking box office success. However, film critics Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert both give the film a thumbs down on On Film , especially for its failure to meet the original. "I think the real ghost," Siskel said, "definitely hangs in this movie, and that's too bad because it's a well-made drawing." Ebert writes about the movie: "If you've seen Psycho a dozen times and can pronounce shooting in the shower scene carefully, Psycho II will not do it For you, but if you can accept this 1983 film on its own terms, as a new beginning, and keep your memories of Hitchcock, then Psycho II begins work.This is too much for the plot and also willing to cheat about the plot to become completely new, really successful, but it has its moments, and that's better than your runaway movie, run-of-the-mill. "In the British Empire magazine, film critic Kim Newman gave the film three out of five star, calling Psycho II an intelligent, dark-comic thriller with some imaginative twists, "writes" The most curious dark joke is that the whole world wants Norman to go mad, and 'normality' can only be recovered if he had a mummified mother in the window and s to kill again. "
With the surprise financial and critical success of Psycho II , Universal began development on the second sequel. Author Charles Edward Pogue was hired to write a screenplay. In the first draft of Pogue's film, Duane becomes a murderer and deliberately comes to Motel Bates because he is obsessed with Norman. Maureen is a neurotic psychologist who came to the motel to replace Dr. Raymond from the previous movie. Pogue intends to dispose of the original victim of Janet Leigh in that role. Universal rejects these ideas, arguing that Bates should be the killer and Leigh is wrong for this movie. However, Maureen's actions remained unchanged; his character just turned into a young nun. After the second script script is completed, it's sent to Perkins as an acting job. After Perkins reads the script, he wants to direct the movie, saying that he will do it for nothing. Universal agrees with this. As the film enters pre-production, Anthony Perkins asks Richard Franklin's director of Psycho II to lead the movie with him; However, Franklin refused. The filming for Psycho III began in June 1985. Perkins's mainstream inspiration for this movie style comes from the movie Blood Simple directed by Coen brothers. Before production begins, he even takes the entire cast and crew for the screening of the film. Like the two previous films, the film is mostly taken on Universal backlot and in a number of sound stages. Although Psycho III became the debut of Perkins film director, the cast and crew have said in interviews that he is fun to work with. Lee Garlington, who served as a Myrna waitress, stated: "I never came across this date with a director who worked well with the cast and crew, he was eager to do it, I admired him." During filming, actor Jeff Fahey suffered an injury. While filming a scene where Norman hit the Duke with a guitar, Anthony Perkins actually hit Jeff Fahey so hard that his head cut open and he had to get six stitches. Fahey's wound shot was actually used in the last movie. Universal originally wanted to release the film in February 1986 but the release was moved to July 2, 1986 due to various shootings that included the end. Psycho III was released on July 2, 1986 to a variety of responses to criticism and financial failure. It earned $ 3,238,400 on its opening weekend and then grossed about $ 14,481,606 at the domestic box office, becoming the lowest-selling movie theater from the Psycho movie franchise.
Roger Ebert gave this film three out of five stars, saying: "Any movie called" Psycho III "will be compared to the original Hitchcock, but Perkins is not an imitator.He has his own agenda.He has lived with Norman Bates for years, and he has some ideas about him, and although the film did not apologize to Norman, it really pitied him.For the first time, I can see that the actual horror in the movie "Psycho" is "What Norman did - but the fact that he was forced to do it." Vincent Canby from The New York Times said: "It has talented players, actors who do not feature material, and an efficient scenario by Charles Edward Pogue, who does not hit your head to prove that he has a sense of humor. "Ken Hanke from Mount Xpress called the film" a sequel of superior horror made by the style of Anthony Perkins. "Dave Kehr of The Chicago Reader says:" Perkins tried to imitate Hitchcock's visual style, but most of the movie made without any concern for any kind, except that the non-blending style of Friday the 13th. "Variety calls the film" almost entirely dependent on incident and self-reference attitudes to its effect, and eventually becoming tired. "
With the financial failure of Psycho III, Universal decided to continue the Psycho franchise as a television series, taking inspiration from Friday the 13th and <<> Nightmare at Elm Street TV series. In this television spin-off from Psycho, Norman Bates is described by Kurt Paul, who previously stood as a stunt for Anthony Perkins at Psycho II and Psycho III. Perkins denied any involvement in the project and even boycotted it. The film was made as a pilot for the weekly anthology television series, but the series was never taken. Thus, Universal decided to air the pilot as a film made for TV during the July 4th weekend. The film received mostly negative reviews and low Nielson ratings.
A year after Bates Motel aired, production at Psycho IV: The Beginning began. Perkins wanted to direct the movie and even appeared with a pitch for the movie along with Charles Edward Pogue's script writer Psycho III ; But Psycho III is a financial and critical failure so Universal rejects the idea and Mick Garris is brought in. Joseph Stefano was the original screenwriter and was brought back to write the fourth film. He disliked two films between I and IV, feeling that they were too commercial and serving the conventions of slasher films. In an interview, Stefano stated "Preparing for Psycho IV , I decided to ignore two sequels - like the business in II about Norman's mother."
Actress Olivia Hussey was directly offered the role of Mrs Bates. It was the intention of writer Joseph Stefano to make it at a young age as interesting as Norman was in the first film.
When Henry Thomas acted as a young Norman Bates, Perkins wanted to meet him and discuss the role. In the documentary film The Psycho Legacy, Thomas states: "Looking back now, he knows he has to have this conversation with me but I do not think that he really likes it. He just gave me some wide blows and told me to play real characters, that's all. "
During filming, Perkins has been diagnosed with HIV and must receive treatment during production. Director Mick Garris has stated in numerous interviews that he has some creative control issues with Perkins. "He will go into lengthy discussions in front of the crew, test the director, make sure the choice is not made" because it looks good ", and see how deep the story and the process can be.He can be very strong, just shy, but also really appreciate helpful direction I must say he is the most difficult and challenging actor I have ever dealt with, but he ends up and on about how happy he is with the movie. "It's gratifying," Garris said.
Psycho IV: The Beginning was filmed at Universal Studios Florida in Orlando, Florida from June 4 to July 13, 1990. The Fasade Bates Motel and the Bates House were recreated in amusement parks. Production was originally filmed before the opening of the park but due to the delay and desire of the studio to have high profile production in the parking lot, the film was taken when the park opened. This causes tourists to watch the filming of some scenes in motels and homes in the back.
The film received mixed reviews when it first aired on Showtime. Henry Stewart of Magazine says: "Garris understands high-class professionalism, but his comic book estimates of real emotions - such as desires, madness and murder - feel empty.Hitchcock is definitely ain '" Ninja Dixon. com stated: "This is a good TV movie, much better than the sic's reputation, and continues the great acting tradition in this series." Cult said: "The film was shot well, the fire order, by Rodney Charters, is amazing.The only real problem with this movie is the bad writing, which, given that it is the baby of the original scriptwriter, Joseph Stefano, is very disappointing. "Matt Poirier from Direct to Video stated:" This is a very unflattering film It's trying to make a reference to the original, like where Perkins cuts his thumb, and the blood that goes into the artificial channel mimics the blood in a well-known bathroom, the scene is too obscure and quite annoying. "Despite some negative reviews, the film received a high Nielson rating with about 10 million viewers watching its premiere.
In 1997, Universal announced that the remake of Psycho was in production with Gus Van Sant directing. The audio commentary track that accompanies the DVD release of the movie, and the "creation-of" documentary ( Psycho Path ) included in the DVD, provides many details about where the film is trying to stay true to the original, and where he deviates. Some pervasive changes: when the film was opened, it was made clear that this was set up in the late 1990s, so minor changes were made throughout the dialogue to reflect the new time frame. For example, all references to money are updated (how many Marion Crane steal, how much the car costs, how much the room costs), as well as references to terms from the original script like "aspic" which will look outdated in the new settings.
According to Van Sant, in the original language the only character full of flesh is Norman Bates; Other main characters are more iconic, deliberately written and depicted to advance the plot. Van Sant relies on the main cast to perfect and motivate their character consistently and work with them to determine at what level their characters are similar to the original. William H. Macy chose to remain true to the original, while others, such as Vaughn and Julianne Moore, interpreted the dialogue and scenes of the original film differently. Moore's version of Lila Crane is much more aggressive than Vera Miles describes, and there is a difference in Marion Crane's growing attitudes about the money she stole.
Cinematography and cinematic techniques are consistent between two films in many impressive scenes, including bathing scenes, mom scenes, swamp scenes, and Arbogast scenes on the stairs, but other scenes change significantly, especially climax, and monologues. Simon at the end, which is much shorter. Van Sant's comments from the comments track attributed many updates to the need to make the film more accessible to new audiences.
The film earns $ 37,141,130 at the box office, $ 21,456,130 coming from North America. Estimated production budget ranges from $ 20 million to $ 60 million; while promoting his 2002 film Gerry, Van Sant said he thought producers were "breaking" financially.
This Psiko version received mostly negative reviews; it was awarded two Golden Raspberry Awards, for the Worst Remake or Sequel and the Worst Director for Gus Van Sant, while Anne Heche was nominated for Worst Actress. Camille Paglia commented that the only reason to watch it was "see Anne Heche killed," but it "should be a job and event far more important than that." A number of critics and writers view the Van Sant version more as an experiment in a shot-for-shot remake. Many people refer to this film as a duplicate of the 1960 movie rather than a remake. Film critic Roger Ebert writes that the film "shows that a shot-by-shot remake is useless; genius seems to be between or under fire, or in chemistry that can not be timed or counted." Screenwriter Joseph Stefano, who worked on the 1960 version, thought that although he spoke with the same sentence, Anne Heche described Marion Crane as an entirely different character. Even Van Sant admits that it is an experiment that proves that no one can actually copy the movie in exactly the same way as the original. Janet Maslin gave a positive review on the film, calling it an "artful and handsome remake (a simple term, but defeating plagiarism) that cleverly revitalized the obvious aspects of Psycho (1960) that follow faithfully but infrequently deviate seriously or successfully from one of the brightest blueprints in theaters "; he notes that "the absence of something like Anthony Perkins's sensational performance with a very bird-like presence and a cunning way with a double-entender (" Boy's best friend is his mother ") is the biggest weakness of the new film." Critics Leonard Maltin gave the film one rank of four stars, or "BOMB" compared to the four stars he gave the original. He describes it as "a dim and irregular scene-by-scene rake of the classic Hitchcock (with some awkward new touches to defame his claim as a proper replica.)" He finally called it "an insult, not a tribute to a landmark movie."
While Bates Motel is a partial continuation of the series as it continues from where Psycho leave, it ignores the continuity of Psycho II , Psycho III >, and Psycho IV: The Beginning due to the death of Norman Bates in the film and the fact that Bates was considered sane and returned to Bates Motel at Psycho II Psycho (1998), the remake for the first film is not a sequel to recounting the same events as the original film, but was set in 1998. There are also some continuity problems in Psycho IV: The Beginning that have to do with some events the past being explored in Psycho , Psycho II , and Psycho III . Reflecting on the issues of continuity, Robert Price writes "It seems that all the different Psycho are floating in and out of each other.There is no real sequence.All variants of the same myth version.Confront conflicts are being trained and completed in these films. Oedipal complex. "
Home media
Psycho III Psycho III Psycho IV: Initial, Psycho > remake, and
- Release list
- Psiko : Collector's Edition (1998)
- GoodTimes Home Video DVD: Psycho II (1999)
- GoodTimes Home Video DVD: Psycho III (1999)
- Psiko remake: Collector's Edition (2000)
- Psycho : The Collection I-IV (2003)
- Psycho II (rewrite) (2005)
- Psycho III (rewrite) (2005)
- Universal Triple Feature Collection: Psycho II , Psycho III , Psycho IV: Beginning (2007)
- Universal Legacy Series: Psycho two-disc Special Edition (2008)
- The Psycho Legacy two-disc Special Edition (2010)
- Psycho 50th Anniversary Blu-ray Edition (2010)
- Hitchcock DVD Blu-ray (2013)
- Universal 4-Movie Midnight Marathon Pack: Psycho II , Psycho III , Psycho IV: Beginning , Bates Motel (2014)
- Shout! Blu-ray DVD factory: Psycho II Collector's Edition (2014)
- Shout! Blu-ray DVD factory: Psycho III Collector's Edition (2014)
- Shout! Blu-ray factory: Psycho IV: The Beginning (2016)
- Psycho : Complete the 4-Movie Collection (2017) Merchandise
Various Psiko related goods have been sold since the release of the original film. Merchandise includes T-shirts, posters, DVDs, books, stationery, shot glasses, shower curtains, action shots, home kit models, pens and more. Most of his merchandise is tied to a fictional Bates Motel where the usual items found in motels actually have the Bates Motel logo on it. A lighted sign Bates Motel was released in 2009. Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the original film release, the Psycho house model kit was released in the US. The props of all movies are also sold occasionally on eBay. The original one-sheet poster for Psycho is worth about $ 3000 in mint condition. The original sheets for Psycho II , Psycho III and Psycho IV: The Beginning are worth about $ 50 each.
Critical and commercial reception
In 1960, Psycho received four Academy Award nominations including Best Director for Alfred Hitchcock, Best Supporting Actress for Janet Leigh, Best Cinematography and Best Art Direction. All three sequels have been nominated for the Saturn Awards. Psycho II received a nomination for Best Screenplay for author Tom Holland. Psycho III was nominated for Best Horror Movie. Psycho IV: The Beginning was nominated for Best Genre Television Series.
Psycho has become one of the most recognizable films ever made. The shower scene itself has become one of the most iconic cut scenes in cinematic history. Psycho is often referenced, honored or spoofed on television shows such as The Simpsons , South Park , American Dad! , The Mary Tyler Moore Show and more. Movies like Scream 2 , Charlie and Chocolate Factory , Throwing Momma from the Train , Scary Movies and others have been referencing the film. Many critics and filmmakers call Psycho a film that modernizes the horror genre. The author of horror David. J. Schow states (in The Psycho Legacy ) "It brings the idea that the murderer in a horror movie is not a mutant, has no dent in his head, he can look like a good boy boy from the" "The film also brings the level of violence and sexuality that is acceptable in the film, both Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh spend the rest of their filmed career.Even Alfred Hitchcock's films began to decline in critical and financial popularity after the release of Psycho The Hitchcock film scientist argues that for the rest of his career, the Hitchcock film is constantly compared to Psycho 52 years after its release, the movie "Psycho" still maintains a huge fanbase. that dide
Source of the article : Wikipedia